14. The First Signs of Trouble

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Sophia's and Draco's newfound closeness during the holidays went on even after Ashley and Nicole returned from their visit to their families. Sophia usually stayed in her room in the mornings, practicing her lines for the upcoming play again and again, only coming out to eat. In the afternoons, she was always gone, though. Nicole and Ashley knew she was either out with Draco or at a rehearsal. Sophia always took care to tell them where she would be just in case they wondered or worried and they let her be. They never teased her to her face, although Ashley was finding it increasingly hard to not comment on the way Sophia's smile got a tiny bit wider every time someone mentioned Draco. If it weren't for Nicole, looking at her with a stern expression whenever that familiar, mischevous glint in her eyes appeared, Ashley would have probably caved ages ago. 

This afternoon was no different. Sophia had left a while ago, shouting over her shoulder something about her leaving to meet with Draco. Nicole had withdrawn to her room right after, the sound of the harp playing a while later a clear indicator to what she was doing, and Ashley, having nothing to do, headed to the kitchen, where she started baking a cake just to keep herself busy. Time passed slowly, the sound of the harp becoming background music, drowning out the screeches of chairs heard from the lower floor and the occassional shouting as the children upstairs got increasingly rowdy. Ashley ignored it all. She had just started baking the cake when she heard the front door open. She turned, eyes wide in surprise as Sophia rushed into the apartment.

"Hey," she greeted her, not even stopping as she quickly headed to her room. "I forgot something!"

Ashley blinked, her confusion dispersing as she shook her head at her. It was then she noticed the figure by the door. Draco was standing right next to the open door, his posture stiff, hands behind his back as he dutifully waited for Sophia to return. She chuckled at the sight, and it brought him to look her way. Politely, he offered her a nod.

"Good afternoon."

It was a testament to how close Ashley was to Draco when she skipped the pleasantries and headed over, instantly moving on to teasing him. 

"What's got you so stiff and proper? It's just me here."

He shrugged, his shoulders lowered. The teasing had worked just a tiny bit, Ashley thought.

"I don't know. It's your house."

"I don't think it's the house, I heard you've been here already," she mused, her lips curling into a smirk. Nicole wasn't around at the moment – her teasing would have to be endured for the moment. She was set free. "So it's probably just my intimidating presence."

That was enough for Draco's lips to twitch in amusement as he looked down at her. "You aren't intimidating."

"But I am," she countered, her smirk widening. "Every attractive woman is." Draco shook his head at her and she chuckled, the mirth in her tone translating in her laughter. When she stopped, the mischief in her gaze had died out a little bit. "Are you going to be coming to her play? It's in three days."

"I am," he answered at once. "I've told Theo and Blaise about it too. They may tag along since our weekly outing on Saturday will be cancelled this week."

"Our weekly gathering?" Ashley's brows rose. "Hate to break it to you, Draco, but that weekly outing tradition doesn't extend to your own friends and yourself."

He smirked down at her. "Sophia would be hurt if she heard you say that."

"It's way too early to use my best friend's affection towards you against me, you know."

He chuckled lowly. Footsteps were heard right after and he looked up, smiling at the sight of Sophia coming closer, wearing a different jumper than before. Ashley looked at her with a knowing smile.

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