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Quizville is finally restored after a long time rebuilding lead by Azwan and Khai and was assisted by the remaining villagers that still alive after the ferocious war.."things were all back to normal..we have gathered all men in this village to join our front lines and let the womens do the farming job..we also have put the kids to our training camp so that Captain Khai can teach them everything "says the chief of defenses to King Azwan who is looking from the top of Quizville castle..Azwan nods as the chief of defenses walks away from him.."Quizville in the better hands now...i will protect will all i got..for my land and glory!

Scamp,also known as Alif is missing in action while encounter with Marsh King..Now he is nowhere to be seen..the people of quizville prays for him and considered him as fallen in the battlefield..

After a long rest inside the quizville castle,Aliff and Heather excuses themselves to go back to their hometown to rebuild the damage that Marsh King did there..King Azwan granted their wishes and gives them the supplies like gold,food and some of quizville elite warriors to take care of their villages..they both very glad and excited.."thank you,Sire"Aliff said..King Azwan just smile and pat both of their heads.."now take a knee,i want to announce one thing"King Azwan ordered..both Aliff and Heather take a knee in front of the king and the king put his sword to both Aliff and Heather's shoulder.."I hereby wants to declare both Aliff and Heather with their villages as a part of Quizville's cities..both of these noble warriors will be declare as quizville's Wizard and Mage!!!"the king declares as he put his sword on both of their simultaneously before kissing the sword and putting it back into its scabbards...both of them hugged the king and the king replied their hugged happily before they both leaves quizville with all the supplies with thems.

"Did they go already?"a familiar voices can be heard as a man walks out from one of the castle rooms.."Looks like you have waken up from a long slumber huh?"King Azwan asked.."well after all we have been gone through..all that arcane magic and stuff..a long slumber is all i need.."Ikhwan said,grinning.."yeah right,so what is your next plan?did you want to stay here?or you want to go back to your village?"King Azwan asked.."You know what king?i think i am gonna stay here..i have nothing and no one to go if i go back to my village...i am the only sole survivor from fire kingdom...so thats why i want to stay here and help any way i can in here.."Ikhwan said.."If that what you want the i granted your wish..now you can stay anywhere in this castle.."King Azwan.."about that,can you grant me some things?"Ikhwan asked excitedly.."sure,what are you wishing for,sir Ikhwan?"King Azwan replied..."i want you to make me a tower beside the castle..i want it to be filled with stuff from my village so i can provide heat supplies for this beautiful city.."Ikhwan says happily.."you are quite demanding but i see you got a noble heart..i grant your wishes and i will let my builder know..King Azwan says..Ikhwan hug King Azwan happily before going out from the castle,only god knows where he is heading.."heh,such a peculiar guy"King Azwan mumbles to himself..

King Azwan was taking a visit to Hariz and Pix Hart graves.."thankyou,both of you,without your sacrifices,all of these will never happen..i am sorry because i failed to protect you guys.."King Azwan let his tears out.."like i said before,their death was not in vain..he will forever remembered and their stories will be heard forever..i have a surprises for you..here"Captain Khai appeared in front of King Azwan and showed him one fresh looking book made from golden paper.."this is a book about their journey with us so that our next generation will know about their tales forever.."Captain Khai says..King Azwan hug Captain Khai..they both walk away from the graves and going to the training camp to see Nina who is training the kids about sword fighting...

On the outer side of quizville nearby the bar lies a man with his big bike with a kid with animals spirit..Dzarif was upgrading his bike while Denish is playing with the tiger spirits.."so,menagerie,do you want to come with me?we can take a ride around the world.."dzarif asked his long lost brother.."And you're gonna leave me again after we did that?no thanks.."Denish replied.."hey man,thats a long time ago,i promised i can be a good brother to you,give me chance,please!"dzarif explains himself,almost look like he was begging for his brother to give him second chances.."i have to decline your offer brother..i love you but i need to go back to Hariz's village to rebuild it..because without him..i would be died by a crocodile..he let himself being bite just to save me..he took care a lot for me..he once said to me to preserved that village if he died..so i want to fulfilling Hariz's wishes to restore back the village.."Denish replied with a long explanation..dzarif nods and sigh heavily.."look..i am sorry for every thing that you have been gone through while i was away..if you insist on doing what you want to do..i am not gonna stop you,but if anything i want you to take this"dzarif take out his plant gun.."use this for defenses and to call me..i can heard an echo of this gun from everywhere on this world,and you must let me stay with you from now on"dzarif said..denish agreed and they both hug it out.."now that all sorted out..lets celebrate it with a beer..its on the house you know!"dzarif says as he walks inside the bar.."Let's go! ehhhh...but..but..i am just 11 years old..BROTHERRRRRRR!"Denish screams as soon as he knew his brother tricked him...

"Did you really want to go,Aura?do you need any elite guards to go with you?"King Azwan asked.."your village need it more than me,besides,theyy all will just slow me down.."Nina replied while packing her things..she is only bringing her weapon sets.."are you going to stay?"Captain Khai asked.."what kind of question is that?i have no relatives here..but i still need to find my parents and seek out the truth.."Nina said..as she about to go Ikhwan walk pass her and decided to greet her.."heyyo nina,where are you going?leaving already?can i come with you,girl?so you will not be lonely you know?"ikhwan teased her..but that tease was not taken as a joke by nina and nina quickly lunged at Ikhwan and sit on him as he falls down and put her dagger onto Ikhwan's neck.."first of all you are too slow and dumb to come with me,secondly if i heard you called me a girl one last time,i will not hesitate to slit your throat and drink your entire blood of yours..think again,dummy!"nina scowl and angry as she stands up and walk away.."welp she is still as fierce as ever!"ikhwan said..Captain Khai just laugh after seeing that event.

As nina walk at the alley of quizville one silhouette can be seen near her..but nina just smile.."i know its you,silly.come out now.."nina said..FH emerge from the dark alley and start hugging Nina from behind but nina evade and push FH to the empty space at the alleyway.."where are you going,my angel?"FH asked.."i want to find out about my parents..i want to find them and see what happen to them in this timeline until they considered dead in my timeline..after i found out everything i will come back to you,babe..."nina replied.."i am sure gonna miss you so much..please don't go too long okay"FH put his head around nina's leg.."its no promise but i will try okay,now if you let me.."nina excuse herself as she wakes up from the alleyway..FH push nina to the wall and surround her with fog of war!"okay silly,you got me.what do you want now?"nina asked as she rolled her eyes.FH pull nina's face up for a kiss..nina close her eyes and willing to reply the kiss and they both kissing each other..their kissing stop when they both heard a scream from a villager.."MADAM NINA IS BEING ATTACK BY A WEIRD BLACK MONSTERRRRRR!!!!!!!!!"The villager scream so loud until Captain Khai rushing with his horses to the scene..when he looked at nina and fh was together he decided to go to the villager and explained the situation instead..both nina and fh continue kissing for a moment before both of them part ways.."i will waiting for you here forever,Nina Aurora!

The night falls and everyone was sleeping peacefully and guards were guarding and patrollimg patiently and sharply..suddenly a loud sound can be heard from the Ice City...two elite guards proceed to the noise and they saw something that an eye can't interpret..


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