Chapter 1

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(Prologue) Lyric took his hand in hers, holding back the tears threatening to fall from her eyes as she looked down at the piece of paper in her hand, preparing herself to begin. "I never expected anything to come out of this, especially not you." She began "If I had known what would happen..the friendship, the hope, the joy, the fear, the love, the heartbreak, oh the heartbreak...would I have done it?" She looked up at him, smiling a little "The answer is yes...hell I would do it again, a million times over, because even after're worth it."

November 16th, 2007.

Chapter 1 (Friday, 4:37 pm) "Are you excited?" Questioned Maeve from behind the counter as she watched Lyric pour herself a to go cup full of coffee from the machine. "To coach musty, horny, teenage boys through volleyball? Ah yes, I am so excited, Maeve" Lyric replied ever so sarcastically, securing the lid onto the cup before sipping it, which horribly burnt the roof of her mouth considering it had just come out of the machine, but she chose to hide it so to not be scolded for her dumbassery. She turned to look at Maeve who rolled her eyes, propping her elbows up onto the counter as she leaned over it to ease her back. "Does it at-least pay well?" Maeve inquired, unconsciously tracing the lines in the marble counter top with her pointer finger although her eyes stayed on Lyric, who shook her head "No, not really..It hardly pays" She momentarily blew into the opening of the coffee cup to cool it off before taking a sip in between sentences "But it's something to keep me busy while I start up my company and it's in the same school my daughter goes's very.." Lyric paused for a moment to think, "Convenient." She settled on. "Like your boyfriend?" Maeve murmured under her breath without a second thought. When Lyrics harsh, but shocked, gaze snapped back to meet hers Maeve's eyes widened and averted from her direction, stifling a smirk by pressing her lips into a hard line. Lyric fought her hardest to hold back a laugh, approaching the register "He is not convenient..I like him." She uttered defensively as she placed her to go cup on the counter, removing her wallet from her bag. "You've said so yourself that he is convenient and that's why you keep him around. Which I have no clue why you do, if you changed your status to single on Facebook you would have men lining the block of your house within minutes, hell, even women, most likely including me." Maeve stated casually as she rang Lyric up, Lyric laughed, hard "In my defense it was a while ago when i said that, I like him now! And shut up you homo." She murmured and removed 3 dollar bills from her wallet "He's an asshole, Ly, not to mention unfaithful. Remind me many times has he cheated on you?" Maeve wondered, sarcastically because she already knew the answer, snatching the bills from Lyrics hand before she could even offer them to her, Lyric rolling her eyes "Yes he has his moments but he makes up for it, and the whole cheating thing was a long while ago Mae, but that is none of your business." Lyric corrected her, "And can you stop chatting and hurry up with the change? If I'm late on my first day I blame you." "I am your best friend, asshole, it very much is my business and i know that man is a dick to you, it doesn't matter if he 'makes up for it' he shouldn't do it, period!" Maeve snapped back with, while placing 3 quarters and 2 penny's in the palm of her hand, Lyric waving her off "Whatever..I will see you tomorrow for my last shift" She said and leaned over the counter towards her, placing a quick kiss on her cheek, Maeve returning it briefly before Lyric pulled away "I'm going to be so depressed working the night shifts without you" Maeve said, her face was full of pure pout. Lyric chuckled and grabbed her coffee off of the counter, turning to the door and hurrying off to it "You'll be okay Mae, see you then!"

(Troys POV) "Are you excited?" Spencer, Troys best friend and teammate questioned as Troy took a seat next to him, trying to drown out the surrounding noise of his obnoxious teammates chattering. "I have nothing to be excited about, I'm sure it will be another elderly man with a horrible attitude problem"Troy said simply but quietly in response which made Spencer snicker, Troy leaning forward and resting his elbows on his knees as he looked over at Spencer. "You're right." Spencer murmured "Quiet down boys!" Their coach demanded the team sternly which quickly regained Troy and Spencer's attention, The gym going mostly quiet as they settled down, paying attention to their coach. "As you all know, I am getting way too old to be coaching you rascals any longer, well not exactly too old I just don't want to do it" He corrected himself quickly with a chuckle following and his mind wandered for a moment at the thought and delight of not having see these arrogant boys every day, clearing his throat before speaking when he remembered his task, "Anyways, if you remember my announcement from last week we have been searching for a new coach." Coach refreshed their memory, sliding his hands into his pockets and resituating his posture. Spencer raised his hand shortly after coach's sentence ended, making their coach sigh out dreadfully at the thought of what was going to come out of his mouth. "Yes, Spencer?" He questioned hesitantly and Spencer held back a devilish grin although his coach caught a trace of it, swallowing nervously. Spencer set his hand back down on his leg, rubbing his hand over his knee while he warmed up to speak. "Did you find one? And if so..are they hot, Coach Michelson?" Spencer inquired, that smug grin breaking loose and spreading across his face. "I did find one Spencer, I was getting to that if you would shut your obnoxious trap and let me speak as i intended to." Coach stated harshly and Spencer's grin fell, scowling as Troy stifled a laugh at the snap back. But then caught a glimpse out of the corner of his eye of Spencer glaring intently at him which made him stop abruptly, clearing his throat. "She is great, I have a feeling that you will all like her. I taught her volleyball a while back when she was a student here and although she does know quite a bit about volleyball and how it works she has never coached it before so you guys need to be on your best behavior for her" Coach Michelson announced, briefly pressing his lips together when he heard the boys begin to chatter with excitement that they were getting a female volleyball coach.

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