Chapter 15, new job.

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Time skip: Two and 1/2 months later.

Lyrics outfit:

Chapter 15, New job (11:32 am)

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Chapter 15, New job (11:32 am)

Lyric huffed irritably. "God damn it Jorge" Lyric sounded pissed right off the bat, her tone startling Jorge. "I said daggers not katanas! Salandra uses daggers" She exclaimed, pinching the bridge of her nose out of frustration. "I sorry boss. Do you want me to send them back and order the daggers?" Jorge asked softly, setting the box down on her side table. "No.." She hardly whispered, a small sigh following her brief whisper, she began to shake her head "No..They can be put to use, I'll order the daggers another day. I'm sorry for snapping at you Jorge, It's been a really rough week" Lyric apologized softly, flashing him a genuine smile before she leaned against her desk, she felt lightheaded from the voice raising. Jorge was shaking his head when she looked back up at him. "Don't apologize boss..It was my mistake." Jorge admitted, turning and walking out. Lyric groaned softly and she turned around to face her desk, She leaned onto it and turned her laptop towards her..she pulled up gmail and began scrolling through her emails. She pursed her lips together gently, scrolling through the important emails folder "Mm.." Lyric hummed, her eyes lightly scanning the emails when she passed them by. Troy walked into her office with two coffee's and he stopped in his path with a grin. He began checking her out as he leaned against the doorframe.  "Mm." He hummed briefly "You excites me that I can come here anytime and find you perfectly, over your desk" Troy spoke with a desperate tone in his voice, biting his lip and tilting his head slightly to the right for a better view.  Lyric laughed as she heard him approach behind her..She shook her head and his hand brushed over her waist as she turned to face him. "Don't be a pervert" Lyric said, shoving his shoulder lightly. "Hey hey..don't be abusive. I went out of my way just to get a coffee for you, from your favorite place, Ms. Sterling" Troy said and offered her the cup of coffee with an oddly attractive goofy grin. Lyric tried to hide a smile as she gazed up at him..she took a glance down at his smile and then his eyes, clearing her throat to break the silence. "Give me the damn coffee" Lyric murmured with a small chuckle as she took it, taking a drink from the coffee. He smiled at her and moved beside her, leaning against the desk. "Why do you look so fancy" Lyric inquired, scanning his suit. "Going out to a fancy lunch with this rich guy I played softball with when I was a kid, figured I should look like my life has meaning" He stated which made Lyric laugh before she took another drink of her coffee. "Makes sense" Lyric murmured and licked the coffee off of her top lip as she looked at him "So how is this treating you? Having your own agency, being a CEO?" Troy asked as he briefly looked down at her lips. A smile spread across her face, her fingers shifting around the to-go coffee cup. "Well I'm glad that everyone is back together, I missed my lab buddies..but The 10 are a pain in the ass. Mostly zacharia because he's so flirty, But that's nothing new." Lyric admitted and chuckled

(I should probably explain. In the description I explain how she had a special spark, scientists wanted to use that to make her a governmental weapon, etc. She was kidnapped by those scientists and held in a lab for about a year and a half, she was 13 at the time. Yes they did perform tests on her, which 2 out of the hundreds of said tests succeeded..but she escaped before they found out how to make it permanent. Which meant that she was an angry, revenge filled teenager with temporary super powers roaming the world by herself. Okay I'm getting off track. It wasn't just her that the scientists took interest in..there were multiple kids that had been found out in the streets or had been bought from the kids parents. The 10, are The assassins who work for her at this agency of hers, and 7 out of the 10 who work for her were the other lab rats she met when she was in the lab. The 3 who weren't in the lab is Zacharia, Lexi and William. William (23) is her sniper, Lexi (11) is the brains of the operation but more of an assistant of Lyrics than an assassin. She helps plan, locate, etc..and Zacharia (21) is her speed and strength, He is a vampire. Then the people who were in the lab with lyric is Silvia (14) heat vision, Salandra (17) mind control, Erica (14) poison, Noelle (25) Healing, Asher (13) Gravity control, Jade (17) Air manipulation and Sierra (16) Sonic scream.. And yes all are mostly pretty young. Lyric did not put this them in this situation. They all have some criminal records, the experiments performed on them kind of caused them to have blackouts temporarily and they did things they had no control over. Lyric is just taking care of them and making sure they don't get arrested while they continue to do the things they already did but for a good cause. Lyric agency takes down horrible people. (TW) Meaning r*pists, serial killers, child m*lesters etc.)

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