Chapter 9, Party

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Chapter 9, Party

(2 weeks later) Lyric strolled down an aisle of the local super market, pushing a shopping cart in-front of her. She came to a stop when she spotted the cereals she had been looking for, turning herself towards the cereal, her eyes scanned over the different brands and flavors. She pulled in and sucked on her bottom lip while she thought. After about 30 seconds of carefully considering she finally decided on a family sized box of fruity pebbles, grabbing a box of it and going to place it in the cart when Troy sneakily came up behind her, snaking his fingertips onto her waist. "I decided I want Alfredo for dinner" Troy spoke softly near her ear. Lyrics body stiffened at his touch and her head snapped in his direction, all that came out of her mouth was a loud gasp. A wicked smile spread across his face at her reaction and she relaxed at the sight of him but scoffed in disbelief, a smile trying to claw its way out of her. "You ass" She said, smacking him once upside the head with the fruity pebbles before placing the box in the cart.

"Ow" He scowled quietly, placing a hand over his head. She fixed her posture, letting out a hum of disapproval, "And if you decided on what you want for dinner then why didn't you grab the ingredients" Lyric pressed, casually sauntering down the aisle like she hadn't just assaulted him with a box of cereal. "I need your help carrying the things" Troy grumbled playfully, Lyric coming to a stop as she rolled her eyes. "Okay you man baby, let's go to the pasta aisle then..I want to get home and make dinner, I'm hungry." She said simply, swinging the cart back around. Troy smiled, walking at her side as they strolled back to the end of the aisle. They came to the end of the aisle and went to turn right when they almost ran into Louis DuPont, Wyatt Black and Archie Evans. Everyone came to a halt, a smile spreading across Louis's face at the sight of the two. Silence. Lyric stared at them, unsure of what to say or do. "Watch where you're going, imbécile" Louis's French accent broke through the tension. A nervous smile spread across Lyrics face. "Hey Louis, Sorry" Lyric murmured..Louis waving her off, "I'm just messing around, it was my fault. Come here, darling, I haven't seen you in forever!" Louis said while he shoved his 24 pack of beer into Wyatt's already full arms which made him slightly stumble, quickly correcting himself. Lyric smiled again and made her way around the cart to him, Louis opening his arms up for her, Troy stood there in awkward silence. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him into an affectionate hug, Troys eyes widened at the intimacy, scratching the back of his neck. Louis's hands rested on her lower back, a huge smile on his face as he pulled her in closer. "I didn't know that the two of you knew each other."  Troy murmured.

Lyric breathed in the scent of him before pulling back to look at Troy, smiling and nodding. "Yep, I've known them all for a while, me and these miscreants go way back." "Oh." Troy said with a simple nod, thinking that he understood the intimacy now. "Although we didn't so casually sleep with Ms. Sterling here all throughout high school like Louis did." Archie's Aussie accent that Troy didn't expect cut through the awkward tension in the air like a knife. Troys eyes widened, a more understanding "Oh" escaping his mouth. "It was only a few times Archie, don't be dramatic" Lyric waved him off, "A week." Archie murmured, Lyric punching his shoulder which caused a wicked smile to break loose, Lyric turning to look back at Troy who just stared at her "Don't listen to anything these idiots say." She warned him..Troy chuckling "I've learned not to. I know Louis and Wyatt, but I've never met you" Troy said, giving Archie a simple nod his way to indicate he was talking about him, "Archie" Archie said, extending his hand..Troy smiled and took it, briefly shaking it. "Troy." He stated and slid his hand back into his pocket. "Are you guys coming to the party tonight?" Wyatt inquired..Troy and Lyric both immediately looked at him "What party?" They said in sync, not even bothering to acknowledge that they spoke together. "The one Sarah Walsh is hosting at her house. Everybody you guys know should be there, It's for her parents" "Alcohol?" Lyric murmured..Louis giving a simple nod as a yes. "Green?" Troy inquired quietly, Louis giving another nod. "We'll be there" Lyric said, flashing them a smile. "Great. I'll text you the address and time" Wyatt said, "Now can you please take your fucking beer back Louis, my arms are about to fall off" Wyatt grumbled, Louis laughing and carefully returning his 24 pack into his arms. "Are you still dating that meathead Alexander?" Louis inquired..Lyric sighing, "Yes." She stated. "I've been telling her to dump him for a while." Troy mumbled.. Louis snapped his fingers and quickly pointed a finger at Troy "I've been waiting longer, Fuck off, Harvin" Louis said through a laugh, Troy chuckling "I didn't mean it like that Louis, I just know that he's an asshole and she shouldn't be with him." Troy stated..Lyric taking a glance at Louis and then Troy. "Mm..Mhm. Well... we better get going, got to go set up. See you tonight" Louis said..Archie waving a goodbye. "Yep, see you tonight" Troy said, "Bye" Lyric murmured.. Wyatt nodding a goodbye before leading off towards the checkout, Louis and Archie following. She waited for them to leave before returning her hands to the cart, strolling along "Hopefully Taylor can babysit" She murmured, grabbing his forearm and dragging him along with the cart towards the pasta aisle. Troy almost fell but caught himself, willingly following.

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