Chapter 3: When Leaves Fall From a Tree

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Third person Pov

He was honestly... excited. He had to see Charlotte. He'd been looking for her since that night in the woods.

He slowly rode his horse, Silver through the woods. It was almost sundown. Luckily he never got lost in the woods.

The tree looked black in the shadow of the sunlight.

He was the first to arrive. Several minutes later, he heard the soft clacking of hooves walking his way. William looked up to see Charlotte upon her white steed in her simple blue dress. She appeared to have a small box and a small smile plastered on her face.

"What have you there?" He asked, leaning against the tree.

She stopped her horse and slipped off.

"I kept it, hoping I might see you again." she handed him the box. He smiled and opened it. His red jacket sat neatly folded and clean inside. He looked up at Charlotte, who was looking away avoiding his gaze.

He frowned. "Charlotte are you alright?" He asked. She didn't answer.

"Charlotte..." he said, lifting her chin so she was facing him. He gave a small gasp.

"Who did this to you?" He asked, touching her black eye. She winced and pulled away.

"William, I ran away yesterday. Again. It only gets me hurt." She said, beginning to cry.

William pulled her into an embrace, comforting her.

"She'll do worse, William. She told me the next time I'd go, I'd die and I wouldn't be missed!" She gently pushed away from him and began pacing with her fingers in her still ribboned hair.

"Charlotte, I would never let anything happen to you. I care about you."

"How do you know that? You've known me for less than a day, and you say you care for me? It's preposterous, it's not true!" She yelled. She was getting stressed and she tended to do so easily.

"I care, Charlotte. In less than a day, in less than an hour, I knew that I cared for you. I can see what I love about you in your eyes. I don't need an eternity to tell me that I care about you." William said.

Charlotte stopped moving. She closed her eyes. "Caring can get you hurt, William." she whispered.

"I'm willing to take that risk." He said as he put his hands in her arms. "But are you?"

Charlotte didn't answer. Her heartbeat quickened and her breath quavered.

"I... am." she said before she kissed him. There was a burst of energy between them and he moved to lean her against the tree. They weren't aggressive with each other, but there was so much passion between them. He undid the ribbon in her hair and it fell free, enveloping the two of them in a cocoon of her curls.

He pulled away, put his hands on her cheeks and just looked at her.

"Run away with me." He said all of a sudden.

Her eyes widened. "What? What, no!" She said quickly.

"Why won't you? You would have a better life with me. In my kingdom!"

"In you're kingdo-- William! Listen to yourself! You want me to come with you to live in your little kingdom? And be your what?" She asked. It was completely dark outside now. They were arguing in the dark.

"Be my... Queen." he said.

Charlotte was very flabbergasted. She didn't expect that answer. Not so quick.

"Your...queen. Okay one, William, and I mean this in the sweetest way possible, ITS BEEN A DAY. Two, what about your kingdom? Aren't you supposed to marry some other princess so your kingdom would remain strong?" She asked.

"Charlotte I don't care about that! None of it. I care about you!" He said
She stared at him very hard for very long.

"Maybe, William. Still I believe it is too soon."

He smirked. "What if I asked you tomorrow then."

She rolled her eyes and laughed. "You're crazy."

"Only for you darling." he said before giving her a lingering kiss.

He mounted Silver and she mounted Epona.
"Tomorrow then?" He asked, turning in one direction.

"Hmm. Maybe if you're lucky, I suppose." she chuckled turning the other way and they rode to opposite sides of the kingdom.

Charlotte back to Marina, and William back to the castle to explain to his father where he'd been.

Sorry for the shortish chapter but I'm really trying guys, I've got a lot of books on my hands. Also, I still kinda need with this cover, so if anyone wants to help, you can send it to

Thank you so much kKayla223 and many others for the support! You guys are amazing and you inspire me!

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