Meeting another Montague

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'What a night' you thought as you were about to retire to your bedroom. All you could think about was Benvolio, but alas he was a Montague. How could the world do this to you. You were so brocken. 

While you were not #livelaughloving you decided to go out to the balcony. As you walked out to the balcony you smelled weed. But, where was it coming from?

 You looked down from the balcony and there was a man. Not, Benvolio but someone else.

 You called out to him. "Ay, what are you doing?!"

 He answered back and you could tell he was not supposed to be here. "Uhhhhh, nothing," he said hiding the weed behind his back. 

"Hey no no no, no smoking weed," you shouted. He looked dejected. 

"... without me" you finished. 

Without any invitation he climbed up to the balcony.

 "Woah woah woah there buddy boy no entry without payment." He handed you the blunt, and you took a big puff. Almost like food weed could solve most problems, even a lovesick heart. 

"What's your name?" you asked. 

"Romeo," he said he sounded very tired and dejected. He was probably not high just yet. What's up with this dude. He's pretty much made in the shade. He's got weed and he's smoking it with a rich person. How could life be any better. 

"What's up?" you asked this 'Romeo'. 

"Met a girl, figured out she's a Capulet. I'm a Montague." he said. 

"Well, well, well it's you lucky day." you excitedly said. You couldn't wait to mess with this guy. "Just so happens that i'm a Capulet too. " you said waiting for this poor dude's reaction.

 "WHAT?! DO YOU KNOW HER? JULIET?!" he screamed. 

"hey now boy I think you're  forgetting that you're in the Capulet house right now" you told him. "if you're caught you'll be skinned alive." you added. 

Romeo seemingly noticed his mistake "oopsies" 

"Anyways" you said. "Yeah I know Juliet shes my cousin.( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)" at this he seemed excited. 

"Can you direct me too her?" he asked.

 Now, you had to be careful. This could go two ways. #1 if you tell him you wouldn't be able to sleep tonight. #2 You don't tell him and you can sleep. #2 seems like the best option. Juliet is stupid and would probably end up killing herself.  

"Nah i can't" you decided their fate then and there.

 "WHAT?? YOU LIKE??? IN THE SAME HOUSE!" he screamed. 

"Eh" you were not getting deprived of your sleep. 

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