Veintidós {Final Chapter}

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A/N: Double Update!!!!

{The day after Jaemin gave birth}

Jaemin had given birth to his babies, he didn't think that he would end up getting two babies but he did and he was so happy about it, he's always wanted babies and now he was having a family with Jeno and his parents were out of the debt that they were in plus Kun was now part of the family as well.

Everyone was at the hospital yesterday when Jaemin gave birth, he had hugged everyone and his babies first day on Earth was just wonderful. Jaemin ended up having one boy and one girl, so they used the names that Jaemin and Jeno choose 8 months ago which were Jasmine and Hyun.

When Jaemin was out sleeping, Jeno was out fixing the kids room. Jeno already had brought everything, so all he had to do was put everything up and he already had colored the room as well, he had colored the room yellow because he wanted his babies to always be happy.

Once Jaemin woke up, he saw what Jeno had done and he couldn't help but smile, he actually limped up to Jeno and gave him a big kiss on the lips for all of his work.

In the end, it was all due to True Love that Jaemin and Jeno stayed strong and now they were finally happy.

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