Chapter 4

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He overheard the doctors telling his parents that he was a miracle. They didn't expect him to wake up, not with such a peculiar and unknown condition. That his body temperature was so low that no non-ice related monster could safely stay at for such a long period of time. And it was alarming that he still wasn't warming up, despite no apparent cause.

The suspected it may have some relation to his soul, but technology to even verify that was few and far between and immensely expensive. They suggested collecting donations, but admitted that there was unlikely a cure even if they managed to get that far. They weren't sure the long term consequences. But they sent him home to be on bed rest.

He should be dead. And maybe it would of been better off that way, if they knew what his plan was. They would be unlikely to embrace the darkness like he did.

Bedrest. Yeah, right. That wasn't going to happen. The moment his parents left the house, he dragged himself out of the fortress of pillows and blankets he built for himself to feel a semblance of warmth. Ignoring the bitting cold that crawled back in, he threw on a fluffy black jacket over the black turtleneck he was already wearing and black gloves. It helped slightly. He removed the knife from its hiding place under his mattress. It was a last minute spot, but it worked

It was perfect for him. Obsidian blade that refracted tiny rainbows on its surface from the light, carved to fit in his hand. The blade was reminiscent of a bird skull, it's beak sharp and meant to puncture.

Leaving the house, he slowly approached Kris's house. He needed to know if they were home or not. He was careful to stay out of sight. Most people were at church today, which helped significantly. Kris rarely went to church anymore, so if they were there...

"B... Berdly?" Noelle's voice cracked from behind him. Berdly's hands clenched in his pockets and walked faster. He could hear her hooves click on the payment run as she ran to catch up to him, her hand reaching out and grazing his sleeve, "Berdly- Berdly please- I'm sorry, I-" she sounded frantic, desperate.

"Fuck off, Noelle! Take a fucking hint!" Berdly snapped, shoving her away. As she stumbled back, Noelles eyes flooded with tears, mouth open wide as if to speak. Nothing came out and she ran off sobbing.

He felt nothing from it, glaring in the direction she left in. She's out of the way now. 

He continued towards Kris's house, having already passed the gate to Noelle's home. From a distance he could already gather an answer. No car in the driveway, no lights on inside. Although possible that Kris would sit inside in a dark room, they were weird like that. He decided it was more likely that Kris was out on another adventure, or would be very shortly.

Church would be let out soon. He had an inkling of an idea of what Kris's plan was. He just needed to check first. And then he could begin.

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