Chapter 6

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"Kris- what is he talking about?" Susie hissed out a whisper to them.

"Oh, right, your friends don't know what you've done!" He laughed cynically, "how you've been working against them all this time. Opening and closing fountains, how counterintuitive for a Knight." Berdly mocked. He slammed his halberd down, ice crystals shooting up from the ground toward's Kris's soul.

Dodging the attack, Kris ordered Susie to act. But she hesitated, staring at Kris wide eyed

"Your friend feels betrayed, Kris. I know that feeling. When you and Noelle tried to kill me. That feeling was the last thing I felt before she froze me at your command." Another attack, shards shooting out of tornados.

Kris failed again to get Susie to act. She looked sick.

"is that true?" Susie barely spoke out. She hardly sounded like herself.

"Why else would I be sent to the hospital? Why else would I not wake up? You're smart enough to figure that out, Susie" he lifted his halberd into the the air, his arms shaking a bit , and drove it into the ground, creating mini fountains of darkness.

"But maybe it was for the better! Because I've seen how things should be. No one can look down on us if the world is plunged into darkness! Maybe I should thank you!" He paused for a moment, then laughed "No. who am I kidding? You deserve nothing" he hissed. It took a moment to lift the halberd again, his hands growing increasingly numb.

"You didn't see it, what the fountain base looks like like after it closes. The pure emptiness of it all. Where nothing can live there, and thus nothing can hurt you. It's perfect." His breath was creating short fog clouds, air felt like it was piercing his lungs.

"No point in wasting my breath, you'll see it soon enough." He couldn't lift his halberd again, trying to hide his struggle as the others watched. His fingers felt like lead.

"Kris? Kris!" A new voice joined the fray, a small body pulling itself out from the fountain, and then shook itself off like a dog. The Asriel look-alike, it seems like the worlds were merging. Kris and Susie quick turned towards them in shock. Berdly used this opportunity land a surprise attack, drawing his blade from his pocket and slashing through Kris's soul, bringing down the whole team. He gathered his composure, trying to pretend that his previous struggle was merely a distraction and an act.

"Soon the dark world and ours will be one, before fading into chaos and calamity. It's too late to stop it, just give up already and let me win- eh?" Sparkles glittered around him as Ralsei casted a spell.

"Leave my friends alone! Everyone deserves to live in this world, you have no right to take it away!"

As his heart rate was forcibly slowed, he felt the cold consume him, and the world went dark.

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