Insecure - Austin C.

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Guys- I'm not getting any requests, but thank you for 100+ reads, that's crazy!
If you request a situation I will write it, I don't think I will accept smut for now.
(THIS MAY BE TRIGGERING. Please don't read if you are sensitive to insecurities. You are all perfect. Even human is perfect because flaws are normal. If a person does not have a flaw, they are not normal and are probably going to eat your face because they are aliens)

You sat at the diners table, who was across from you? Your boyfriend Austin Carlile. You were having lunch, but you did not want to eat. Of course, you were hungry, you were always hungry- but you wouldn't eat.
Why? Austin was perfect, you were not. You couldn't see how he could love you. Sure your personality was great, but you felt like you needed to be more physically attractive- so why not be hungry, but prettier? You were not fat, but not photoshopped model thin. You were right in between. Healthy weight with the average amount of fat.

"How was tour baby?" Austin just finished another tour off.
"It was amazing. How have you been?"
You could tell him about how much you were struggling to be "perfect" by time he got back, but why would you?
"I've been great!" You replied with a smile.
After about ten minutes later Austin starts to question you.
"Why are you eating so slow baby? I'm almost done!"
"Uh. Just not feeling too hungry, stomach bug is going around and I think I may have it."
"You seem fine though?"
"I guess I'm just a trooper." A nervous laugh escapes your lips.
The car ride home was relatively normal, until one little statement came out of his mouth as you arrived into your driveway.
The car stopped, "(Y/N), have you lost weight?"
Your brain jumped with glee that your weight loss was noticeable, your heart dropped as you tried to think of an excuse.
Almost immediately, you say "if I did, it was unintentional. I guess I've just been busy."
You get out of the car casually, followed by Austin.
You run inside after unlocking it with your Jack Skellington house key, sitting on the couch and throwing a blanket over yourself, you didn't want him to notice anything more.
He walks in and closes the door. He sits on the couch placing his hand on your thigh, you have always been insecure when he did that. You uncomfortably moved, trying to not be noticed.
Austin sighed. "Baby, you're feeling insecure... You love the feeling of my hand on your thigh but you hate the thought of me thinking you're fat. Did you intentionally lose weight?"
You turned away, not wanting to lie to him. "I felt like if I looked perfect then you would love me..."

"Get up." His voice is no longer gentle, it's demanding. You listen and follow him to your bathroom.
He stands you in front of the full boy mirror, with him behind you.
"Now. Tell me what you don't like."
"DO IT." His voice is dominating, husky and deep.
"I- I don't like the thickness of my legs, the pudge of my stomach, my love handles, my odd face, or my neck."
"Okay. wanna know what I see?" His voice still intoxicating.
You only nodded, letting him speak. "I see a beautiful girl with facial features of a godess. I see a girl of average weight who does not look likes she's been deprived of food her whole life. An actual girl with beauty, one that Dosent need to be stick thin to be beautiful, because your health is one of the sexiest things I have ever seen." The last thirteen words sounding like a low growl into your ear, "God, I love you so much." He spun you around, kissing you passionately.
"I love you too Austin."
"Wow, I've got a girl with a personality, and beauty that a guy would wish for."
You smiled at him, all of his teeth showing as you stated into each other's eyes. He was the only man you ever wanted, and you have him.

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