Ranboos Panic Attack

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Tw: Panic attack

Tommy was woken up that night by a loud Enderman scream. He got up immediately and ran to Ranboos room, assuming that's where the source of the noise was. Ranboo was curled up in the corner of his room, his breathing quick, the fur on his tail tip ruffled. His eyes were screwed in pain. "Not real! Not real! Not real!" He kept repeating. Ranboo was having a panic attack! Tommy ran to him, crouching in front of the shaken Enderman hybrid, running his fingers through his hair. This was something he'd never thought he'd see. Ranboo usually was so put together, yet Tommy now faced him, completely shaken. "Hey, hey, hey! It's fine Ranboo.. breath." He didn't know what to do, it usually was the other way around when he'd been in this situation. Ranboo didn't seem to hear, instead he flinched at the touch of Tommys hands and curled himself closer to the wall, covering his ears. Tommy's eyes went wide when he saw Ranboos cheeks were burning, the tears! Ranboos own tears were hurting him. He remembered seeing faded burn marks on the Enderman hybrids cheeks all the time. How had he not noticed before?! Still not knowing what to do, he hugged onto Ranboo, holding him close. Ranboo eventually stopped trembling. He heard his friends breathing return to normal. "T-Tommy?-.." Ranboos voice was shaky and weary. "Yes, shhh. Everything's fine..." Ranboo snuggled closer to him. "I-I'm sorry-.." Tommy raised an eyebrow, looked at Ranboo. "Sorry for what?" The Endermans ears flatten more. "F-For this! making you have to worry, waking you up-..." His voice trailed off. "There's no reason to be sorry, Ranboo. You've been helping me with this exact type of thing, it's the least I could do." He winced. Tommy let go of Ranboo, looking at him, though not in the eyes due to Ranboos hate for eye contact. "Mind telling me exactly what you were freaking out about?" Ranboo flinched, his eyes going wide. His gaze dropped. "N-nothing!-.." Tommy frowned. "Ranboooo" The Enderman covered his ears, looking scared again as he once again curled up a bit. The boy sighed, realizing he shouldn't have pushed on. Not yet at least, now wasn't the time. He should've known that.  "Never mind, you don't need to tell me right now. Let's get you back to bed.." Ranboo uncovered his ears slowly as he slowly nodded. He got up, holding his hand out to the Enderman hybrid. Ranboo grabbed his hand, pulling himself up. Tommy walked his friend back to his bed, his hand on his back. Once Tommy was sure his friend was asleep, he walked back to his room, laying back down on his own bed. Thoughts of the events of what had just happened flooded his mind. What happened? Iv'e never seen him so shaken. Hes usually so calm, yet he looked.. traumatized-.. 

Tommy grunted as the light of the morning sun creeped into his room and to his eyes. He opened his eyes and got up, yawning. He got up and walked out. Ranboo was going through his chest, looking for plates to put breakfast on. "Morning Ranboo. Did you make breakfast?-" The Enderman flinched, though didn't respond. He found a plate, putting some food on it and lay it on the table, walking out the door. Tommy recalled last nights events. Ranboo must've still been a bit shaken from that night. He sighed and grabbed his food, sitting down and began to eat. He would have to ask Ranboo about it later.

Moon: (yEs aNoThEr cHaPtEr. I hAd tHe iDeA RiGhT aFtEr tHe LaSt cHaPtEr-)

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