Chapter 8

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LMFAO(Laughing My Fucking Ass Off)
Not really.

'So,where's the car,'she asks and I smile while pointing it for her,except___ it's not a car. More like a motorbike.
'That thing has two wheels and barely enough space for one person,'her words make me laugh hard. I can't lie,it's one of those bikes that look like it was only meant for one person.

'What? You weren't expecting a horse and a carriage,were you?' I ask in a joking voice,'This is the twenty first century baby and men pick women up on motorbikes.'

'That's not the problem. I have no problem with your selfishly bought bike ,although I wouldn't mind a horse and a carriage would be nice,'she chuckles as though she's telling herself a dirty joke.' It's just that___ I've never been on one,'she confesses.

'Wait,you've never been on a bike before?'she shakes her head.'I guess then there's a first time for everything,' I say and she smiles her cute bunny smile.' Plus,it's just like riding a bicycle. Haven't done that either?' She shakes her head and I laugh while holding out a helmet towards her.

'No,I want the wind in my hair so that it gets all messy,'she refuses my helmet.' As you said,first time for everything.'

'You do know that this isn't a romance movie,right? Plus,bugs could get in your mouth and trust me,it isn't a lovely site seeing a chick choking because of a bug. They tend to overreact.'

'Wait,did you say bugs?'she says sounding scared.
'I also said that this isn't a romance mo__'
'That's obvious. Because I'm here with you,'that hurts,'instead of being somewhere across the border eloping with an Alejandro while escaping from the mafia whose leader is my dad.'

'Wow! The amount of detail you gave___ how long have you been thinking about this scenario?'I say and she gives a nervous smile as if caught in a crime___maybe I have.

I help her get on the bike after several failed attempts. How hard is it to get on a motorbike?

We start slow then we move fast as if we were chasing time. I steal several glances of Natasha through my side view mirrors and notice that the wind actually messes up her hair and it looks lovely. Once we hit the freeway,she raises her hands in the air but quickly wraps them back around me after we hit a bump. And then,we both share a laugh. I think that this is the best memory I have on this bike.

We reach our destination___ a movie theater. What a cliché place to have a first date___ but this is not a date so I'm safe. If it were,I'd take her back to the woods,where we first met. Yeah,still not a romantic place.

'Well,that was something,'she says while smiling,her cute bunny smile.

'What,you almost falling?' I tease and she swats me in the arm. I pretend to be hurt and this makes her laugh. I like her laugh.

'So,what are we doing?'she says and I smile mischievously.

'What better way is there to deal with a heart break than to watch not just one,but a series of movies which elaborate this phenomenon in a million different ways___plus one. There's always a plus one. The number of heartbreaks always tend to always increase, never decrease. That's why I call it the one million plus one phenomenon,'I say as she smiles as though I was a comic.

'I'm sorry,but I am not a fun of such movies.'

'Well,neither am I. But what is an adventure if not trying new wild things and hoping that they don't kill you,'and she laughs.' Honestly,a bad movie could kill you from boredom. That's why I had my G pick us the best movies. Plus,its a special screening,just the two of us,so you can laugh as hard as you want,cry without being embarrassed and shout at the screen whenever the villain comes on.'

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