Chapter 6

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Marilynn's pov

"WAKE UP" I jumped out of my bed and landed on the floor face first. I looked up and saw Brittany looking down at me smiling, I started glaring at her.

"Come on get up and get dressed, you have a big day today. I already put your clothes in the bathroom for you" "thanks" I got and went to the bathroom to start taking my shower.

Brad's pov

I was so happy that Maddie wasn't mad at me anymore, I really wanted our relationship to work. I told her that I had cheated on her and after yelling at me for a long time threatened to chop off my dick and break up with me. Since I don't want neither of that to happen I told her that I wouldn't. The longest I ever had a girlfriend was for two weeks.

We really weren't even going out, we just had sex a lot. I knew she didn't really believe me when I told her that I wouldn't cheat on her again, but I really wish I could keep my promise.

Marilynn's pov

After I got ready for school Brittany drove to school. I didn't like the outfit she got for me, it felt like I had a wedgie. The leather I had on wasn't helping either it made my thighs stick to her seat and it hurt when I got up.

Yet again I saw Brad and his girlfriend sucking each others faces off, this time it was by my locker. I feel a little disgusted because I could hear their lips making contact.

As soon as I shut my locker door he opened up his eyes and looked at what I was wearing, then winked.

He is the only person that I know that would do that. I rolled my eyes and just walked away.

Brad's pov

I don't know why it was so hard to get Marilynn out of my head and what really annoyed me was how fuckable she looked. I mean honestly she had on a short leather skirt with a white fitted shirt that also matched her leather jacket and she had high heels on. She's the image of sex on a stick.

"HELLO" I got snapped out of my thoughts and looked down at Maddie "huh" "I said that we should get to class before the bell rings" she said. "Yeah, okay" I already knew it was going to be a very long day for me.

Just having the image of Marilynn was making me have a boner and I am sure that it is really noticeable. I'm hoping that it isn't though. When we got to class I noticed that all the boys were staring at Marilynn gushing. I know that if I wasn't dating Maddie right now I would be gushing all over Marilynn. I was already but only on the inside.

I wonder if she is still mad at me.

Marilynn's pov

When I got to my seat in class all the boys were instantly surrounding me just staring. Not one of them were saying anything so I thought I woyld try and snap them out of their gaze. "Hey guys class is about to start" I say. Nothing! at all just a bunch of blank stares it was starting to freak me out. "Um, can you all stop staring at me please" I tried again still nothing.

I was starting to get really hopeless anything I tried to do it was like they were immune to it. I finally gave up trying and got out a book to read until class started.

At lunch everything was the same as earlier. We got a lot more boys at our table. More than I would have wanted there, Brittany seemed to be enjoying herself with all the attention. I on the other was not. I couldn't go two minutes without one of the boys asking me questions. Half of them asked me out on a date which I declined for more than one reason too. One of them being that I hardly knew any of them and two I was pretty sure of what they wanted to do.

"All right enough, why are you guys even ober here. Before I changed how I looked I bet all of you didn't know who I was besides me being Mathew's little sister." I yelled I was just way too annoyed with all of their staring and touching me. They weren't even listening to what I was saying because when I sat down again they started asking me even more questions. Darren was sitting net to me laughing his ass off "I'm glad you think this is funny" I say to him "no, it's. not funny it hilarious" she barked out. "I'm going to go to the library" I said to no one in particular.





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