No, just no

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A/n Sorry if you waited long for an update, I could not decide their little age. Let's continue reading to see what I choose.


Daddy walked in with me in his one hand, holding Angy's hand in the other. My escape plan maybe failed but the day is long. The inside of the hospital made me sick. I honestly would not be surprised if I vomited.

Walking in through the door, there was a big hall. More like a gallery, with no pictures and anything. The walls and floors were white. The ceiling on other hand was drawn like the ocean. It was dark blue with fishes of all colors glowing brightly. It was, with I hate to say, truly breathtaking.

Suddenly we stopped breaking me out of the trance. Daddy was speaking with another woman. She was sitting at a long dark blue table with some papers in hand.

"Hello and welcome to Sunshine daisies, how may I help you," she said smiling brightly

"Hello, I'm here to check my little girl's age, I made an appointment," said daddy

"Lovely, your name?"

"Harry Styles"

"Alright, yes it's here, you will need to go on floor twenty-one"

"Thank you for your time," said Harry and walked in a lift.

"Daddy I'm bored" Angy whined

"C'mon in a few minutes we will know your little age are you excited," said daddy smiling

"Yes, daddy" Answered Angela jumping up and down. Pathetic.

This all baby thing is. Maybe a little wouldn't hurt but this is too much. To get kidnapped and forced into a lifestyle you don't want. Some of the things are fun. I like that she cares for me, but now there is angela and I hate her. She is going to go soon. If harry wants me to stay she is gonna have to go.

We got to our room after five minutes. Not much but still. Angela sat on a bed hugging a pink teddy bear. Honestly, I didn't even notice she had it until now. Daddy gave me a pacy which I reluctantly took, not wanting to communicate with them. Not noticing I started softly sucking on it and daddy smile.

The door soon opened, walking in a doctor. Daddy's height with dark brown hair. Angela seemed to find him cute but I wasn't interested.

"Hello, I'm Doctor Rase and I will be with you today," he said smiling

"Hello," said Angela bouncing u and down

"So we are checking their age today is that right mister... Styles" he added reading daddy's name from a list

"Yes, that's right. How long would it take" daddy asked

"It should take around twenty minutes each if the corporate, if not maybe a little longer"

"That sounds great, we are gonna start with Adalina first," daddy said

"That sounds great Adaline if you'd follow me"

Lovely, daddy placed me down and I wobbled to the doctor since I started losing my power to walk these last few days. It's really been on and of. Maybe daddy carrying me had something to do with it. The doctor took my hand and lead me out.

Don't forget to comment and vote, the next part coming soon. And i might edit a few chapters. See ya until then.

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