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"Let me be a man for you."
-Come Said The Boy, Mondo Rock.

A distant eighties track gilded across the night and through the tree line, orange-yellow light of a flickering bonfire danced across the cream-coloured sand as people crowded around the shoreline; dancing around the fire to the music that drifted across the star-filled sky. Some drank from stubbies, while others passed a bottle of alcohol back and forth amongst themselves.

A group of people danced to the music that blasted from a large, well-loved boombox; the stereo eliciting a smile across Amara's face. Fold-out chairs, driftwood logs or the occasional upturned barrel were occupied by party-goers who were content with the company of their alcohol of choice. The rumble of the group's bikes ceased as they cut their engines in sync-David's cool stare searing into those unlucky enough to capture his attention from the moonlit tree line.

Paul quickly clambered off of his bike. A brilliant grin etched into his face as he giddily helped Amara off of his bike the moment he cut the engine. Amara's heart stuttered within her chest as she turned and found David's gaze on those of the two blondes that stood beside her. Marko's ever-silent footsteps making it impossible for Amara to know when exactly he ended up beside her.

"Remember what we're here for, boys," David warned, throwing a pointed glance in Paul and Marko's direction before he dismounted his bike and strode off towards the shadow blanketed tree line.

Amara waited until she was sure the platinum blonde could no longer hear her before she spoke. Leaning forward as though whatever she was about to say was some well-kept secret. "What's the actual plan of attack, boys?"

Dwayne hesitated as he moved to walk away, peering back over his shoulder at Amara with those deep brown eyes. "Be careful."

"Aw, Marko, did you hear that? Dwayne's concerned about our safety." Paul uttered cheekily, snickering as the brunette rolled his eyes and disappeared in the opposite direction that David had gone.

Amara playfully swatted Paul's side as she fought to stifle the laughter that threatened to bubble past her lips. Marko watched on, utterly bemused, fingerless gloves brought up to his face as he subconsciously gnawed at the skin of his thumb. His hazel-eyed stare analysed the pair carefully as Paul playfully shoved Amara back; snickering as Amara stumbled and bumped into the sandy-haired blonde beside her.

Marko shook his head with merriment, interlacing their fingers together as he grabbed Amara's hand and began leading her toward the flickering flames of the bonfire. Paul traipsed beside Amara; arm slung across the top of her shoulders, all the while, his Atlantic-blue eyes scrutinised each party-goer with sinister interest.

Cataloguing each little gesture, quirk and conversation within his mind as Marko continued to lead Amara closer to the blazing fire and dancing throng of people. Paul snatched up an unopened bottle of whiskey from the floor, unscrewing the lid with nimble fingers before bringing the mouth of the bottle up to his nose; inhaling the sharp, malty smelling liquor.

Amara arched an eyebrow as the two shared a look over the top of her head. Marko's gaze expectant as he awaited some silent verdict that Paul had yet to decide. Their pace never faltering as the tall, rocker look alike brought the mouth of the bottle to his lips, swallowing a mouthful of the amber coloured liquor before he passed the bottle to Amara with a daring gleam to his eyes. Marko's attention focused on Amara in the corner of his eye, waiting to see if she'd be game enough to down the amber liquid.

Amara eyed the glass bottle within her hand, weighing up whether this was the smartest decision for the night. Fawn-brown eyes darted from one blonde to the other as they watched her patiently-Marko's words echoing throughout her head as Amara's stare came to rest on him. The curly-haired biker stood an arm's length away, his fingers laced with her own. Those charming hazel eyes locked upon Amara's face as he waited as patiently as he had done by the cliff.

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