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"I gotta feel it in my blood, whoa oh.
I need your touch don't need your love, whoa oh."
-Animal, Def Leppard.

Calliope music ghosted across the shell of Amara's ears and the obsidian depths of the sky, flecked with silvery stars, moonlight streaming through the glass-paned window and onto the wooden floor as she shifted amongst the nest of pillows, blankets and cushions. Fingers grazed the bared skin of her arm, shoulder and head, toying with the bay-brown curls that cascaded down her back with the utmost care.

A content hum emitting from the back of her throat as she blearily blinked the haze from her sleep-ridden brain, rubbing her eyes as a soft yawn tumbled from her lips. Confusion marred her face, brows coming together as she sleepily took in the room before her with analytical interest-cataloguing every little detail into her mind as the events earlier in the night caught up to her.

Streetlights intermingled with the soft rays of moonlight that cast silvery shadows across the floorboards as she turned and peered over her shoulder at Marko. Surprise flickering through her fawn-brown gaze as though some part of her had expected him to vanish into the darkness of the night while she'd been sleeping. Marko's honey-eyed stare trailed across every inch of her face, his soft sun-kissed skin illuminated by the moonlight that filled the room and rendered the brown-haired girl speechless; enthralled by the beauty of the angelic sandy-blonde-haired boy.

A mirth-filled smile lifted the corners of his lips, head tilting to the side as his eyes danced with a softness she'd never seen. Ruby-red earring swinging from his left ear as her eyes noticed the unruliness to his curls that brushed against the nape of his neck, and the crookedness to his nose that complimented the troublemaking blonde well. She momentarily forgot about the events that'd led her down to the boardwalk and into the golden-haired boy's arms, content to soak up the quiet and serenity that filled the night sky.

Pushing herself up from the soft nest of pillows with one hand whilst the other held a blanket to her chest, her gaze darting across the abandoned room in search of her discarded clothes. Fawn-brown irises coming to rest upon a pile of neatly folded clothes beside the makeshift bed of pillows tucked into the corner of the room. She rose from the array of bedding, eyebrow arched as she prompted Marko to talk from his lounged position amongst the pillows and blankets.

"What'd you want to know?" Marko asked, shifting amongst the pillows and blankets, hand cupping his cheek as he dutifully blinked up at her from beneath his golden lashes.

She mulled over his question in silence uninterrupted by the sandy-blonde, settling on a simple answer that she hoped would provide her with some answers. "Why didn't you do anything?"

He breathed out a deep frustrated breath of air, fingers raking through his curls, the blankets of the makeshift bed pooling dangerously low on his hips as though daring Amara to glance at the bare expanse of his chest. She waited as Marko tried to find the right words to explain himself, discarding the pearl-white sheet to the floor as she dressed.

"Do you know what a sire-bond is?" He questioned as she pulled her jeans up her legs and zipped up her fly.

She peered back over her shoulder at him, buttoning her jeans with her back to the sandy-blonde-haired boy. "I've read about them before. Vampires are quite popular amongst the twenty-first century, Marko."

He hummed; humour found within his hazel irises. "Oh, I know about the twenty-first century's enthrallment with vampires. It made life easier for us when it took off."

She glanced at the blonde briefly as she pulled the padded tank top over her head, choosing to ignore the dark undertone to his voice as she turned back to face him. "Right. That doesn't tell me what a sire-bond is though, blondie."

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