Ch 2: Dealing With Demons

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My eyes fluttered open. I had been asleep in a big bed but it wasn't my bed. I waited for my eyes to focus on my surroundings. I was in a room, a small, bleak, cold and completely dark room. It was quiet and somber in there and I felt a chill as the darkness engulfed me. It was the most piercing darkness ever-it was not merely the darkness that came out of absence of light.

The pitch black atmosphere was impenetrable and I layed rooted to the spot, trying to stretch my eyes as wide as possible but I could barely makeout a feeble outline of some distant object in the corner. 

The darkness and quiet pressed into my ears and I drew out a chilling scream that seemed to warm my lungs with an inhuman warmth in the overwhelming darkness. I covered myself entirely with the bedsheets I already had as I took deep breaths and attempted to calm myself. 

"It's just a dream. If I go back to sleep now, I'll soon wake up in my own bed with Willow." I repeated to assure myself. Suddenly, I heard the sound of a doorknob being twisted.

Creek. The door to the room was now wide opened. There was a dim light coming from outside of the room where a figure stood. My eyes jolted wide when I saw the figure step into the room. My heart started beating at the speed of light. So this is how it ends. 

Click. The figure had flipped a light switch and it was none other than the angel from earlier. 

"You do realize you woke everyone in the house up with your obnoxious screaming, right?" She blurted in a mad tone. I blinked in confusion.

"Where am I-"

"And now Benicio is lashing out on all of us for bringing you!" She pinched the bridge of her nose and shook her head. "The least you could do is be appreciative we didn't kill you right there and then! I wouldn't have had a problem doing so." She growled. I gulped at her last comment. 

Another person came into the room. Sammy. "Benicio is calling you guys over and he's not in a good mood." He warned.

"Who would be at... 2:30 am?" Alice muttered as she checked her watch. 

I pulled the bedsheets off me. "W-where am I?" I stuttered.

"You're at Route 666 Casino, ma'am." Sammy stated while putting his hands in his back pockets. "Where at on the second floor, Benicio's house."

They kept of saying the name Benicio but I didn't know who he was. "Who's Benicio?"

They both turned to stare at me in disbelief. "You don't know who Benicio Drew is?" They both asked. 

I sheepishly shook my head.

"He's one of the most infamous mob boss' in the world!" Sammy stated as a matter of factly. Alice nodded along.

Oh cuss.

The angel could tell I was worried so she put a hand on my shoulder. "We should probably get going before he gets even more cross." And with that, they both ushered me out of the room, though the hallway outside and towards an elevator at the end of the long hall. All three of us crammed inside the elevator. Sammy pressed a button labeled Boss' Office and down we went. 

When we reached the bottom, the elevator chimed and it's door opened. We stepped out and were met with a large bronze French door leading to a room. An office. 

I was practically sweating gallons when the doors opened and I was rushed inside to be met face to face with none other than Benicio Drew.  

Soft swing music was being played on a fancy looking record player on a side table. Boris and Norman sat on a leather couch next to it. Behind a wood desk, Benicio was sitting on a large brown leather office chair. He was a demon and wore brown pants with suspenders, a white dress shirt and a brown bowtie. He had a cigarette stick in his mouth and had his arms crossed with an irritated look on his face. 

Benicio leaned forward and raised an eyebrow. "Any of you mind explaining what the cuss is going on?" He growled. 

Everyone looked at each other. Before anyone could speak, Boris did, "This was not my idea they wanted to bring her here!" He raised his paws to show he was innocent.

"But you let us bring her here anyways, huh." Sammy sniggered. 

Boris gave him a nasty look. "Shut your trap." 

"Says the one who got the girl in this position in the first place!" Noman protested.

"I had no other choice! She had seen too much!" The wolf claimed.

Sammy got closer to Boris and shoved an accusing finger at him. "You didn't even ask if she did! What if this is just some grand misunderstanding and you're just being an idiot!?"

"Enough!" Benicio slammed his fists on his desk which sent papers flying everywhere. He was furious, even his spiked tail was angrily swinging side to side. We all stood silent. "Who are you and why were you spying on them? Did the agency send you?!" 

I was trembling due to fear so hard I didn't even realize he had asked me a question. 

"Well?" He crossed his arms again and leaned back in his chair.

"I-I promise I wasn't spying, I was looking for my lost kitten. Willow." I cried. Benicio's irritated look stayed on his face.

"But did you see them do anything?" He raised an eyebrow. I bite my lip.

"Well there you have it!" Boris announced and pulled his gun out. I froze. 

Benicio went over and took the gun from his hand. The wolf scowled. "They'll be no need for this, Boris." He looked me up and down and then sighed. "I believe she could be of some use." He then put the gun in his own pocket.

"How can you trust her? We don't even know her name!" Boris pointed out.

Benicio turned around to face me. "Who are you?"

I hesitated. "(Y/N)." 

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