Chapter Two

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Chapter Two 

I wake up to the sound of my smoke detector going off... that better not be my personal chef Alhann because she already know I will fire her in a heart beat. She's from Persia and sometimes act like she can't speak English but the girl can get down in the kitchen. I hurry up out of my bed with my head throbbing from the night before. I look around my room recalling taking off both of the sisters clothes over by my closet... maybe I was dreaming. I run out of my room into the hallway smelling burnt bacon. "Oh hell naw" I say. I go down the steps and run into the kitchen... 2 big cows are at my stove. "Who the hell are y'all?" I ask. The light skin one is burning my bacon and the dark skin one is making pancakes. I know these ain't the honeys from last night... they can't be. "We M&M" the dark skin cow says. "Get the hell up out of my house! What the hell is wrong with y'all whores?! Burning up my damn bacon... get the hell out before I strong arm y'all asses!" I yell. The scurry out the kitchen and through the front door. "Damn it" I walk up and slam the door behind them. I must have been blind, deaf, and mute last night because those were not some fine sisters at all. The door bell rings and I fling open the door assuming it's one of them cows. "What now!" it's Alhann. She looks so scared... damn it. "Mr. Vaughn I'm so sorry for being late but my son is sick. He has the flu and I had to drop him off at my mother's house. I'm so sorry" she says. I huff. "It's okay Alhann. Just go fix me something to eat" I stand aside and point in the direction of the kitchen. "Thank you for being so understanding Mr. Vaughn. I promise not to let something like this happen again" she blushes.

I look at myself and notice that I'm in my boxers so that's probably why Alhann is blushing. "Excuse me" I leave her and go up the staircase. Man I need some Tylenol because my head is hurting. When I see Johnny Mail and the rest of my team mates I'm gonna cuss them out for letting me take home those big whores. I go in the bathroom and hop in the stall after I take my boxers off and put them in the dirty clothes hamper. The hot water is relaxing my muscles... I feel so much calmer. If I wasn't such a whoremonger then maybe I wouldn't have found myself with them 2 cows which makes me now decide that... I'm gonna have no more sex. Casual sex ain't as fun as it used to be and it ain't got that flavor that used to drive me crazy. I can't tell anyone especially not any of the guys on the team because they will clown me to shame. Saying I'm giving up sex is like telling them I'm trading in my penis for a vagina... it ain't happening. I get out, wrap a towel around myself, brush my teeth, and go into the bedroom. I can smell bacon but it ain't burning so I'm looking forward to breakfast. I go in my closet and find a Crown Holder outfit that I'm digging. After I get myself dressed I  go downstairs into the kitchen. "Good morning Mr. Vaughn. I didn't get to say it earlier when I came in late" Alhann places my plate in front of me when I take a seat at the table. "How many times do I have to tell you to call me Javier? Alhann you are older than me. I'm a youngin' " I say. Alhann is 29 years old with a 10 year old son... I just turned 23 years old last month in September. "Oh well you're my boss Mr. V-Javier and it's only respectful. I enjoy working here because you're nice and understanding like with me being late this morning. Again I wanted to say I'm so sorry" she says.  "Don't apologize. It's fine Alhann. Your cooking makes up for everything" I eat some of the eggs... they taste better than ever. "If you're wondering about what I added to the eggs it's tomatos, I hope you don't mind. Earlier I was on your bad side and I wanted to make up for it" she puts a mug in front of me and pours me coffee. "Is it fresh?" I ask. "Only the best" she sets the coffee mug on a placer and goes over to get me cream; sugar; and milk. 

After I add them to my coffee she puts everything back... she cleaned up the kitchen good after the mess those cows left. The door bell rings. "I'll get it" she says. "No it's okay I got it" I get up and cut through the kitchen down the main hall to the front door. I open the door without looking through the peep hole. "Hello Mr. Vaughn. I'm Yvonne Loeb from Child Custody Services and this is Michelle Miller" she puts one of her hands on the little girl's shoulder. The little girl is the prettiest child I have ever seen and as for Yvonne... well let's just say her professionalism doesn't interfere with her sexiness at all. I wanna know why they are here because I ain't no uncle or father. "Hi. It's nice to meet you both. How may I help you young ladies today?" I ask. "It appears that Michelle Miller's father, Don Miller, has surrendered his custody slash parental rights to you in his will" she says.  What in the hell is the woman talking about? "What will?" I'm confused as hell right now. "Don Miller was murdered 2 weeks ago in his home. The police are investigating the homicide as we speak. If I'm not mistaken you were his close friend since high school" she looks me directly in the eyes. "No. Me and Don have been friends since junior high. I just talked to him about 3 months ago and he never mentioned to me that he had a daughter" I say. "That's very strange considering you 2 are best friends. The police will probably come knocking at your door in within a week or so since it was such a brutal murder. Michelle Miller in the meantime will remain in your custody" she gives me an manilla envelope. "Hold up hold up lady. Doesn't this child have a mother or uncle to go to?" I ask. "Unfortunately Michelle doesn't have any family members left. In a few weeks or maybe months afer the investigation you can decide whether you want permanent custody as her guardian or if you want her to go to foster care" she says. Oh hell naw! "Listen I will pay you any amount to make all this go away. I'll have my lawyer arrange a contract and everything" the little girl rolls her eyes at me.  "I'm sorry Mr. Vaughn but making things or defenseless children go away is not in my job description. You have to take in Michelle Miller" she says.

I look from the manilla envelope to Michelle... Don would kill me if he was alive and knew I refused his only child. "Fine. I guess I have no other choice then" I look at Michelle who looks a little like Don except for the hair. Don had a nappy head but her mom obviously had some good hair because Michelle's hair is flowing, thick, and straight. 'Well I guess I'll see you later Michelle" Yvonne smiles down at Michelle. "I guess so but I will miss you Ms. Loeb" Michelle hugs Yvonne around the waist. I don't like this one bit... I can't believe my boy got me into this mess and I can't believe he's dead. When I last talked to Don he seemed to be doing good even though he wanted to borrow a grand. So I went down to our hometown Oakland, California and hand delivered the check myself... I didn't see nor I was introduced to Michelle when I went to his house. Something seems fishy about all this. "Excuse me" Michelle pushes pass me and goes into my house. The little girl got attitude and spunk... I already don't like her. I should of snatched away her ugly blue teddy bear since she thinks she is so grown. "Can you come to my car and get her things Mr. Vaughn?" Yvonne asks. "Sure" I walk with her to her Range Rover and she pops the trunk. I look at all the suitcases. "Damyum! How old is she?" I ask. "6 years old" she smiles. "Damn she got a whole closet" I grab 3 suitcases and a bookbag. "Mr. Vaughn, I know you might not think this now but you are doing the right thing. This temporary guardianship you have should give you 2 time to bond" she says. "Yeah whatever" I take the bags and suitcases in the house upstairs into the guest room. I make 2 trips back to Yvonne's Range Rover before she leaves. 

I go back in the kitchen to finish my breakfast and spot Michelle sitting at the table. Alhann is looking at me confused. "Uh Alhann this is Michelle. Michelle this is my personal chef Ms. Alhann" I sit down and attack the rest of my breakfast and coffee. "Oh. It is very nice to meet you Michelle"Alhann smiles. "Right back at you" Michelle says. When I finish my breakfast I have to call my agent Laverne Pitts because Michelle is destine to attract the press and media. I don't want people to mistake her for my daughter... it will mess up the image that I put effort into. What in the hell am I supposed to do with a 6 year old? I gotta go to practice tomorrow and I hate to say this but I might have to take her with me since I ain't got a nanny. Damn it!

~Hey everyone! 2 updates 2 days in a row! WOO-HOO! I am so happy to be working on posting 2 books at the same time. This chapter was lengthy but I hope it gave you more incite on what the book is about. Vote, Comment, etc. or whatever your heart desires! I hope you enjoyed! The chapter count: 2 out of 21 (including the epilogue) :D

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