Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

"Shhh! Javier you have to be quiet" Deanette whispers. It's a good thing I just sent Alhann home because it's 2 something in the morning and she should have been home with her son. Deanette opens the door to my room and grabs me. "Come on babe" she says. "I'm coming I'm coming" I let her drag me in. She turns on the light and looks around. "Wow! I'm surprised at all this Mr. Player-Player. Ooo you even have a connecting bathroom" she walks over to the left and checks it out. A lot of guys on the team call me cocky, conceited, and ruthless but that's what they see from the outside. Behind all that mess Deanette sees the real me and not what I present to everyone else. "Come here babydoll" I say. She peeks around the corner and grins at me. "Wait a second Mr. Impatient" she slowly walks up to me. I chuckle. "Aw'ight I deserved that one" I lick my lips and smile. "I like all this a lot" she goes and sits on my bed. "What you tryna start?" I ask. "Nothing that hasn't already been started" she takes off her jacket, skirt, and shirt. "What you doing?" I ask. She comes over to me and takes off my coat... what in the world? "Remember I told you earlier that I loved you?" she kisses me. "Yeah" I say. "Well I have missed you so much in more ways than others. Put your arms up" she demands. I put my arms up and she pulls my shirt over my head. "Listen there's something that I need to tell you" I say. As much as I wanna do this I know I can't because of the promise I made to myself yesterday. Damn! Why did we have to get together for Michelle? I would of gladly banged her 2 days ago if I had the opportunity. "You need to tell me what? Do you have some type of STD or something?" she asks. "Hell naw! Come on now Dean! You know me way better than that. It's just that I can't do this" I shake my head. 

"What do you mean you can't do this?" she pushes her breast up against my chest. I back up to put some space between us. Otherwise I might be tempted to give into her. "Yesterday I made a promise to myself that I'm not gonna have no more casual let alone stupid sex" I say. "What makes you think that this is casual sex? Don't you care about me Javier?" she asks. "You know I care about you babydoll. You know I would love to tear that up all night long" I groan. Damn it! She's making this hard on a brother. "Well then how is this casual or stupid sex? When was the last time you had sex babe?" she asks. "Monday night" I look down at my feet. "Monday night! Why am I not surprised?" she puts one hand on her hip. "I'm sorry. If I would of known that you felt for me then it wouldn't of went down because I was drunk" I say. "Can't you for once think with your brain rather than succumb to your lusty hormones?! The last time I had sex was when we last had sex and that was 2 years ago. I knew it would be recent that you had sex but come on! Freaking Monday night Javier? It's Wednesday!" she exclaims. "I know I know. I said I was sorry. Does my apology count at all?" I ask. "Maybe I need to go home or maybe I made a mistake. You are the youngest guy I ever dealt with" she says. I hug her. "I ain't about to let you go again like I did 2 years ago. I should of fought for you but instead I let your dumb ass excuse fly with me but not this time. You're more to me than a booty call. Can't you see that babydoll? You're worth every diamond and pearl in the world" I smile. 

"Are you saying what's on your mind or are you saying what's in your heart?" she asks. Damn she really know how to put me on the spot! "I'm saying what's in my heart" I admit. She kisses my cheek and smiles the irresistable sexy way that I love. "Are you going to give me something to sleep in or what?" she asks. "Oh yeah yeah. Hold on" I go over to one of my drawers and pull out a pair of boxers and white t-shirt. "That's something I admire about you even though others may not comprehend it" she says. "And what is that?" I hand it all over to her. "You always stay with brand new clothes and things and you never wear anything more than 3 times. That's something to admire" she goes in the bathroom and closes the door. "So you ain't mad about the no sex?" I walk over and stand in front of the door. "No. I actually respect you more because of your determination and committment to it. It's okay Javier because I don't need sex to live and it was at first unbelievable coming from you. It takes a real man to have limits and control" she says. I sigh with relief... I didn't want the no sex to cloud her judgment of me. In most relationships us men wanna connect not only on an emotional but mostly on a sexual level. I think that sex blinds us and makes us unaware of what the woman is really about and who she really is. "You're awfully quiet out there Mr. Vaughn" she opens the door and I lose breath. Just by looking at her I can tell that she ain't got on her bra and panties no more. "Here" she puts her bra and panties in my right hand and walks pass me. What the hell am I supposed to do with these? I drop them on the floor and try sidetracking her move by stepping away from them.

"Don't go being a hypocrite now" I say. "A hypocrite? You know how I like to sleep or have you forgotten?" she asks. "Hell naw I ain't forgot! I ain't forgot anything" I say. "Good. It's late and you have to catch a fiight in a little bit babe. Don't think about what we talked about while we were having fun today. I want you to think about whupping the Jaguars butt Sunday. I'll be watching" she spreads out on my bed. "Imma throw in a extra touchdown for you babydoll. You gotta be the boldest flirt that I have ever come across" I get on my bed with her. "It's different when you love someone Javier. I know you can love anyone but I'm in love with you. I'm curious as to what you have to contribute to us if we were to hypothetically get back together" she says. I lay down and she snuggles all up in my chest. "Whatever I needed to contribute that I didn't 2 years ago" I scratch my head. "Give me an example" she closes her eyes. This is the main disadvantage when you're involved with a woman that's a lawyer.... they need proof and they need to be persuaded. "I need to contribute openess first and foremost" I take her hand and hold it up. "True" she says. "And I would need to be there for you as a confider rather than just agreeing with everything you say without giving real support or a real opinion" I kiss each of her fingers. Deanette and I had what I thought was a great thing going until I realized that there were chunks and pieces missing but by then it was too late. The damage had already been done... damn I was an idiot. "I can see that you have matured a lot babe and since you have I want you to consider steppping up for Michelle. I don't even know the girl yet alone have I met her but something in my heart tells me that she needs you" she says. Naw.

~Hey everyone! I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Vote, comment, etc. or whatever your heart desires! :) Chapter count: 5 out of 21 (epilogue included)

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