Chapter Six

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Chapter Six 

I look around when I wake up and Deanette is still sound asleep against my chest. I reach over and smack the button on the top of my alarm clock. Damn! I need to get a move on. She moans and turns away from me... I don't wanna wake her up yet. I get up out of bed, grab a pair of boxers and shorts, and go in the bathroom. I don't know if she might just wake up on her own or if Imma have to wake her up in a little bit. I look in the mirror at myself when I get out the shower. "Look at you" I pat my almost tight 6 pack. Before every out of town game I always get hype by complimenting my athletic body in the mirror. I decide to finally get dressed and brush my teeth and when I finish the door opens. "I have to pee really bad" Deanette says. I leave out the bathroom and close the door without saying anything. I put on a white wife beater to match my black shorts then I hear the toilet flush and grab a pair of low cut socks. "Mr. Jock do you call yourself being courteous by not waking me up?" she brushes a curl away from her forehead. I like the short hair cut she has because before her hair used to be flinging around everywhere. "You looked so peaceful and tired that I didn't wanna wake you up yet. Hey you coming down to eat?" I ask. "I'll meet you down there in a little bit" she says. "Aw'ight" I open up my door and leave go downstairs after I close the door behind me. I walk down the hall and hit the stairs slowly... maybe Deanette is right. I can try to step up for Michelle and she just might start changing her sour attitude. I go in the kitchen and see Michelle and Alhann chilling and talking. 

"Good morning" I smile. "I heard a woman's voice when I went to go use the bathroom around 2 A.M." Michelle says. I give her an angry look of disgust... she's a sneaky little girl. I thought I saw the light coming from the guest bedroom before Deanette pulled me in my room. "Oh" Alhann goes and busies herself fixing 2 plates and putting coffee on. "That's none of your damn business little girl" I say. "It might not be my business but it will be Yvonne Loeb's business if I decide to call and tell her about your sexual activities that you're exposing" she grins. All that stepping up for Michelle that I was considering just washed down the drain. I don't need to explain to her that there were not any sexual activities going on because I ain't gotta explain nothing to her. I'm the adult. "Do whatever you want. One thing you don't have to prove your theory is evidence" I say. We stare at each other until she breaks and looks away. "I don't need evidence" she crosses her arms. "Whatever. I don't have time for this today. Alhann I wanna thank you for watching Michelle yesterday but now I wanna offer you something. For every out of town game I will pay you $2,000 to look after Michelle for me and if you can't get your mother to look after your son every time then you can bring him here or you could take Michelle to your house if it's better suiting" I shrug. "Oh. Yes I will take the offer, you pay nice money. You always pay me nice money" she smiles. Yes! "I'll leave additional money for food or just in case Michelle might need something" I say.

Deanette steps into the kitchen and shrieks. "Oh my land!" she covers her mouth. I walk over to her. "Baby doll what's wrong?" I ask. She takes my hand and I follow her into the main hall. "Javier was that Michelle Miller in there?" she asks. "Yeah. Why?" I look her in the eyes. "She looks just like you Javier. I thought you said she was your friend's daughter" she says. "She is!" I yell. "Yell at me one more time" she puts a hand on her hip. "Sorry" I sigh. "I know babe but seriously Michelle Miller looks just like you. Twins is a perfect word. She has your eyes, hair, ears, lips, nose, hairline and skin color. Did you happen to know her mother?" she asks. "Yeah. Me and Angel were boyfriend and girlfriend all through high school. When I went to college we broke up and I never saw her again. Don always had a thing for her" I say. "Javier speaking to you as your lawyer right now I think you need to take a paternity test. It's the best thing we can do to prevent any further complications" she nervously smooths her skirt. What the hell man? "But Don's name is on her birth certificate and everything" I panic. "That doesn't mean anything babe. I'm guessing that she got pregnant and didn't want to tell you about it because you were in college focusing on your football career ready to go pro. So your friend Don stepped in for you" she says. I scratch my head. "I don't wanna talk about this right now" I turn my back to her. "Then when Javier? How long do you want to go without knowing?" she asks. "Until I get back" I say. "Fine. I understand" she walks around me and laughs. I don't think any of this is funny but Deanette is the type of woman who will laugh at something that happened yesterday so I don't know what she's laughing about. Whatever she's laughing about is pissing me off. "Please stop laughing" I say. "Okay. I hear you" she hugs me around my waist.

I wait a minute before I decide to go back in the kitchen with Deanette. Alhann has 2 plates and cups of coffee on the table. "Good morning" Alhann smiles at Deanette. "Good morning to you 2 young ladies. My name is Deanette Beasley. I'm Mr. Javier Vaughn's lawyer. I want to apologize for the inconvenience I might have caused you both. I'm sure you might have some questions for me" Deanette sits down at the table and I join her. "I'm Alhann and I'm also Javier's personal chef. Now I have taken on the job of taking care of sweet Michelle while he goes out of town for football games" Alhann says. "I'm Michelle Miller and I do have a question for you Ms. Beasley. What type of activities were going in between Mr. Vaughn and yourself at 2 A.M. this morning?" Michelle asks. Deanette shakes her head with disappointment. "Ms. Michelle I can assure you that there were no activities going on at all" she says. "Sexual activities included?" Michelle asks. Deanette drops her french toast in shock. "Absolutely" she says. She looks at me trying to find an answer as to how Michelle would know anything about sexual activities but I have no clue. I finish eating and start to sip my coffee. "Michelle I have a question for you that I need answered. How did your mother Angel die?" I ask. Michelle gets down from the stool she's in at the counter and comes over and stands facing me. She looks me directly in the eyes. "My mother, Angel Miller, who was married to my father, Don Miller, died when I was 2 years old from mafia complications. I'm the one found my father dead when I came home from school because he was late picking me up which was weird because he had never been late before. There was blood all over the livingroom as if there was a struggle like he was fighting to stay alive and come pick me up. I saw bullets in his chest and 2 in his head...there was nothing I could do but call 911 and cry because I knew it was too late" she says emotionlessly. Both Deanette and Alhann cover their mouths. "I'm very sorry to hear that Michelle. I really am" I say with all the sincerity I can offer. "Does that an answer your question or do I need to go further in detail?" she asks. "No you said enough" I hold up my hand to her. 

Now that me and Michelle are up close and personal I do see what Deanette was explaining a little while ago. Michelle does look exactly like me. Oh damn! "I...I need to be alone right now" she runs off but I catch sight of the tears she tries to hide. "Michelle!" I get up and run after her. "Just leave me alone!" she shouts. She's dippin' for real! I pick up my speed but it's too late...she already in the room with the door locked. I knock on the door. "Can you let me in honeylamb?" I ask. "No! Leave me alone!" she yells. "Please. Please let me in" I beg. Damn this girl got me begging and God knows I don't beg for nothing. "No" she says. "Listen you're gonna let me in or Imma break down this door. I'm tryna be nice" I say with frustration. "You wouldn't break down the door" she says. "Wanna bet? Are you gonna let me in or what?" I ask. "No" she says again. I take a few steps back and focus on the door. "Ready or not here I come" I rush forward and karate kick it. The door swings open and Michelle jumps up and drops something...sounds like glass. She looks down at it then grimaces at me so hard that I check to make sure her eyes didn't cut me anywhere. "Look what you made me do!" she runs at me and starts landing punches on my arms and legs. "Hey hey hey! Stop!" I grab her toss her over my shoulder. "Let me go!" she kicks and screams. "Hell naw! So you can punch me some more? You're out of your mind. When you decide you wanna calm down then Imma set you down and we can talk" I say. "Okay okay I'm calm. I promise. Can you put me back down now?" she asks. I take a moment deciding if she's telling the truth or not...sounds truthful to me I hope. I sit her down and switch from offense to defense. "You broke the only picture I have of my mom and dad together" she wipes her eyes. "The picture isn't damaged it's just the frame but don't worry. I'll get it fixed while I'm away" I go over and pick it up. I gotta get Mrs. Mason, the house maid, to clean up this glass because I don't want Michelle to step on it. "Thank you" she says. "You're welcome. We'll talk" I gotta get her a Blackberry Storm. 

~Hey everyone! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Vote, comment, etc. or whatever your heart desires! The chapter count: 6 out of 21 (epilogue included)

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