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A/n: This chapter takes place after the events of separate tides.


So, I heard from a little bird that my fav guard is on a mission at the knee today. And of course I need to sabotage it. hehe.

I smirked to myself as I walked out of the front door. "Where ya going Y/n?" Hooty asked me before I could take another step.

"We'll you see Hooty, there's this person that I adore, and i'm going to sabotage the shit out of his mission!" I said, obvious sarcasm covering my words.
Except for the last part lol.

"Okay!" Hooty replied.

I summoned my palisman, and soon a staff appeared in my grasp.
I seated myself on it and flew off.

I flew over bonesborough, watching all the people. The sky was painted purple with white clouds.
I flew over a few other towns, including Latissa.
I hovered in the air, staring at the coven office below me.
I grimaced in disgust as my eyes were laid upon The Emperors Coven Sigil.

I continued flying until I saw the knee in the distance. I immediately sped up.

I loved flying, It was truly amazing.
Feeling the wind in my hair, the sound of the wind rushing through me. Seeing All the different entities below me.

I looked ahead of me to see the knee close up.
I quietly landed behind some snow covered trees.
I took a few deep breaths before sneaking a peak of what was going on around me.

There was no one there. Not a single person, not a single voice. Only the sound of leaves rustling around me.
I raised an eyebrow. There is simply no way they aren't here- exactly.

There were footsteps in the snow. Fresh ones.
They were here.
I immediately began to follow the footsteps.

They led me up a hill, down in a snow cave, around trees, and finally into a cave.
And that's were I heard the voice of The Golden Guard.

He was shouting at the other guards. Telling them to keep digging or whatever.
I kept walking into the cave until I saw them.
I saw all of the guards and goldie.

I immediately hid behind a wall of stone.
And an idea sparked my mind.

I used illusion magic to create a huge sign that said 'Hiiii Goldie!!'. I know it's not big, but it's still hilarious.

A couple of seconds later, I heard everyone laughing. Except for The Golden Guard. "EVERYONE SHUT UP!" He shouted at the guards, who immediately shut their mouths.

Goldie began to look around, perhaps for a sign that someone was there.

I quickly drew a green circle in the air that caused big, green vines to shoot up from the ground. The vines wrapped themselfs around the guards, on by one. Except The Golden Guard who just stood there, trying to figure out what the fuck was going on. The guards screamed as the vines tightened around their bodies.

But I don't have to be that mean. I loosened the grip and all of them quickly gasped for air.

"Who's there!" The Golden Guard shouted. I just chuckled. My laugh echoing trough the cave.

I made myself invisible, carefully walking up behind Goldie.

"Boo." I whispered in his ear. He immediately whipped around with a yelp. But nothing was there

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