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~Y/n POV~

I was walking through bonesburough and felt the chilly breeze on my face. The sun was about to go down, and the sky was glowing orange, red and pink.

I walked through crowds of people, accidentally bumping into them. Occasionally apologizing.

My eyes scanned every single stand, when my eyes landed on a familiar women.
My mom.
I smirked a little as I made my way over to the stand.
"Hi Y/n!" Luz exclaimed as she excitedly waived at me, as I approached them.
"Hi Luz, Hi mom, Hi king. How's it going?"

Eda sighed.
"It's not going great, kid. Not a lot of people is buying and i barely have anything to sell."
I looked at Eda, seeing guilt and sadness in her eyes.

I looked all around me, not exactly sure of what I was looking for. Inspiration maybe?
Suddenly an idea sparked my mind.
I smirked "How about we start bounty hunting! Some of them have over 1000 snails as rewards!"

Eda seemed to ponder the idea, "you know what? Sure! This isn't getting me money but that might!"

Eda packed up the stand, and ran towards the bounty board with Luz and King on her tail.
"Call if you need any help!" I shouted after them. All of them answering with a thumbs up.
I smiled to myself.

I kept walking though the market, the chilly breeze, gently moving my hair.

But suddenly, a very unsettling feeling appeared in my chest. Like if someone was watching me.

Their eyes burning holes into my neck. I whipped around and scanned the area around me. But everyone was just minding there own business.

I made myself invisible and started to search the area. But I didn't find anything suspicious. Only people.
The invisibility spell wore off and I kept walking.

But soon the same feeling returned.
Just as I was about to turn around I felt an arm wrap around my waist, pulling me away from the crowd.

They put their hand over my mouth and pulled me into an alley.
Once I realized what was happening I easily got out of their grasp and stood myself in a fighting position.
I looked at who had dragged me here and surprise, surprise it was the golden guard.

I glared daggers into his mask, "What do you want Goldie?" I asked him.

He huffed before stepping towards me.
"First of all, stop calling me that! Second of all, i'm here to arrest you." He spoke proudly.

I crossed my arms. "I thought we were free to go after the petrification ceremony?"

"Yeah, but that only applies to The Owl Lady, The Human and The Traitor. Because they aren't a threat to the emperor anymore, since they're all powerless." He replied.

"And how am I a threat?" I pushed, taking a step towards him.

"Are you that stupid?"

"No I just wanna annoy you." I said before launching myself into the air, onto one of the roofs above us.

I looked down at him from above, "And now i'm gonna take my leave." I said with a cheeky smile before I began walking.

I stopped in my tracks as I heard a thump behind me. I sighed, clearly annoyed. "You know-" I turned around. "-You don't have to try and arrest me. You're just gonna run a marathon in vain."

He didn't answer, though I could feel the daggers he glared at me. His head tilted slightly down, but his eyes still on me.

"Is this a staring contest or what?" I said.

He suddenly launched at me, I immediately stepped to the side causing him to lay flat on the ground lol.

But he wasn't finished yet. He grabbed my ankle and pulled me to the ground.

The back of my head getting smashed. Tons of black spots appeared in front of me, but I couldn't decide if it was caused due to me hitting my head or just some kind of magic.
'ouch that hurt.'
He got up.
I quickly recovered, the adrenaline in my veins clouding my pain.
I drew a large purple circle, making him to get tied up by abomination ropes causing him to drop to the ground.

"I would stay and fight but I need my beauty sleep, so see ya later!" I said before jumping onto the next roof, doing the same process until I was long gone. I ran as fast as my legs could carry me, but soon I noticed how I got a little light headed. I didn't hit my head that bad? Right?

I was now on the last house, if I ran any further I would be jumping into an endless void.

I leaned against some chimney, catching my breath.
I felt the adrenaline leave my veins and a throbbing pain was left in the back of my head.

"Shit, I need to get home." I mumbled to myself.
I was just about to sit down when I heard a familiar voice behind me.
"I'm afraid that's not gonna happen." The voice said.
I audibly groaned, "Why can't you just leave me alone?" I said while turning around.

"Because you're my target at the moment, it's my duty to catch you."

I sighed, "Well you're not gonna arrest me." I said confidently.
"Well, it's either that ooorrrr...-" He looked behind me. "-death." He finished.

"So what's your plan, little witch?" He said, very cocky.
I smirked at him as I took a step back.
"So you would rather die?"
He took a step towards me.
"No." I simply replied.
"Nobody survives a fall here."
"I will."
"How do you know."
"I don't. It's a leap of faith." I smiled at him before falling backwards into the abyss.

He immediately ran forward to try and catch me but he was too late.

I felt the wind rushing through me as I fell.
It was honestly amazing.
But if I keep falling I will die. And I'm too young to die.

I immediately called for my wolf palisman, and only seconds later she appeared in my grasp.

I teleported up again, to the roof.
I hovered above the roof looking down at Goldie.
"What's up?" I asked him with a cheeky grin.

His head snapped up in my direction.
He just stood there.

"Well i'll see you next time Goldie. Byeeeee!"
I said before teleporting away.

I arrived at The Owl House exhausted.
My head was pounding and my feet were hurting.
I opened the door to see the entire fam on the couch.
"What did you get into?" Eda asked me as I closed the door.
"The Golden Guard." I replied.

I was starting to feel a bit light headed as I stood in front of everyone.

"The Golden Brat?" Lilith asked me with disgust covering her words.

I was about to answer her but sudden tiredness and nausea overcame me.
So I simply just went to bed, and hoped for the best.

A/n: Eyyyyy, first chapter of "Hopefullt better Leap of Faith"
I didn't change much in the first chapter.

I have changed the story line though. So now you're Edas bio kid. You're 16, you're badass and you're a wild witch.
I will update the description soon.

I also changed the cover, though i might change it later on if I have the energy to create a better one

Lol I had to add "mature content" because of ONE LITTLE FIGHT, or this will get banned. wtf wattpad. only this chapter though

-Fallen 1

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