Chapter 3

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April 19, 33 AE

Mack only spared a glance at the gaudy neon lightstrip that decorated the height of the highrise before heading straight for the main doors. Everyone in Hollywood knew about the luxurious Everland Park, and while he never visited Elsie's unit before, he attended his fair share of parties within the same building. The place was nice, of course, and he could probably afford it with his actor salary, but he preferred a more modest lifestyle.

Just as long as he didn't have to live in the Barracks again.

The security at the lobby was surprisingly well-trained, and a guard even verified he was on the guest list after greeting him by name. While they apologized for their procedures, Mack was more than willing to wait. After all, these people were an important line of defense in the residents' safety, and that was worth much more than a few seconds of his time.

The two Class 1 metas at Elsie's door were less commendable, and they each gave Mack a mere nod in greeting before he rang the doorbell. But it's not like he could blame them. While Class 2 metas and above were forced to become guardians, at least people looked up to them and respected them. More often than not, Class 1 metas were hardly spared a second glance; most couldn't become guardians even if they wanted to.

It only took a few moments before Mack heard a gentle thud at the door, soon followed by the lock clicking open. Elsie and a cacophony of music were there to greet him, with the former's cheeks slightly tinted and her grin wide.

"Shh!" she exclaimed loudly, using one foot to prop the door so her hand would be free to put a finger to her lips; her other hand was clearly occupied with a bottle of beer, and she used it to gesture Mack inside.

And as soon as the door closed behind him, Mack's chest was filled with warmth.

The party was admittedly small, but what it lacked in participants it made up for in energy. Quentin was immediately recognizable with his trademark enthusiasm, but Mack had to do a double take at the sight of Amira cheerfully shaking a tambourine to the beat of the music with a gentle smile on her face.

Less familiar were the other two guests, but Mack would be a liar if he said he didn't recognize them.

During his teenage years, everyone at the Academy knew about the Song brothers. While the siblings were rarely seen together, they were both extremely talented in their respective boy bands and side projects, and it wasn't long before their popularity in South Korea stretched across the Pacific Ocean, a feat only partially attributed to their dual citizenship. Fans in multiple countries were obsessed by the brothers' naturally good looks, flawless charisma, and silky voices, and Mack couldn't blame them.

By the time Mack moved to acting, his celebrity acquaintances were also familiar with the brothers, but in a drastically different sense. And while the younger brother skyrocketed to international stardom, the elder's legacy was seen as nothing more than a tragic fall from fame.

But there was no sign of the rumors just then.

At least, not that Mack could see, but he couldn't help but be a little distracted. How could he not be at the astonishing sight of the younger brother, Jordan Song. Astonishing, in the way that he was dressed like a supermodel with his black shirt, its buttons half undone and long sleeves half rolled up, and how it was half-tucked into his slim, ripped dark grey jeans. Astonishing, in the way that he stood confidently on the couch with his gaudy neon blue socks dotted with golden cats and pizza slices, all while sweaty, disheveled, and completely entranced by his own passionate air guitar solo.

And then there was the elder brother, Minyoung Song; the only one ignoring the scene in favor of aggressively looking for another song to play.

But before Mack could question his disinterest, Jordan began to sing, and Mack's eyes widened.

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