Chapter 11

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Notice: This chapter mentions violence, injuries, blood, and death.


June 6, 33 AE

Mack knew he was being an idiot. He knew that he had work the next morning, and he was going to seriously regret it if he didn't get enough sleep. And he knew he was spending way too much time on something so trivial, but it was important to him.

Truth be told, he had no idea that a "22-days anniversary" was even a thing until a few days ago, when he was conducting very thorough and extensive research on the dating norms in Korean culture. And now that their twenty-second day was in two days--well, one day, now that it was after midnight--Mack was very, very stressed.

He was mainly concerned because they hadn't actually done much since that whirlwind of a day nearly a month ago when they officially agreed to be "undercover partners". Mack found the title comforting; when pairs of guardians were sent on missions, they called each other partners too, and Mack liked the idea of entrusting Jordan with his life. And since that day, Mack has always felt at ease when he and Jordan were together.

It didn't take much to bring about that feeling either. Even during their failed first date, or their interrupted second date, Mack felt completely content. Comfortable. Happy.

Maybe this is what a relationship was supposed to be like. Mack wasn't a stranger to dating, and he didn't shy away from the advances of the various people that caught his eye. But even after multiple dates, countless conversations, and several nights spent with them, none of them ever felt like more than just friends. (Very physical friends.)

It probably didn't help that about half of those people asked Mack out simply because they admired his looks. Those relationships never lasted long.

But what he had with Jordan was different, and Mack loved it. And he would do whatever it took to keep it.

However, there wasn't much they could do at the moment. Jordan's schedule was packed with his album promotions, and Mack was ending his shifts almost completely drained. Not only that, but Jordan was as hesitant as ever about his public image, so any celebration ideas would have to be private. But no matter what Mack thought up, nothing seemed special enough.

Fortunately, or not, his dating-related stress was cut short by his phone obnoxiously blaring. And in that split second, all of his stress turned to one thing only: work. Because the only thing that would make that specific sound was a guardian emergency.

"Emergency alert! Emergency alert!" a computerized voice pierced through his apartment. "All guardians in the Los Angeles vicinity report to stations. Repeat, all guardians in the Los Angeles vicinity report to stations."

His years at the Academy had Mack running to his closet before he even realized it. It took him fifty seconds to change into his guardian uniform--five seconds longer than the requirement, unfortunately--and he was running out his door soon after with nothing else but his phone and keys.

"Guardian Mackenzie Olomana," Mack said to his phone as he leaped down his building's stairs. "Number Lima-Alpha-X-ray-zero-two-two-eight-zero-eight. Status: en route."

His phone chimed in confirmation, then spoke in a computerized voice. "Olomana, Mackenzie. Report to Los Angeles APO Housing immediately for emergency medical assistance. Repeat, report to Los Angeles APO Housing immediately. Confirm receipt."

Mack almost forgot to answer through his shock. "Confirmed," he said belatedly, then quickly pocketed his phone.

The housing in question was more commonly referred to as the Barracks, a forty-floor apartment building near Base that served as the residence for a substantial number of guardians and, in some cases, their families. Mack had moved out years ago, but he knew it was still chock full with younger guardians who had yet to make enough money to move elsewhere. He couldn't keep his mind from jumping to the attack on the Academy a decade ago and the aftermath that he saw, and his heart sank instantly. That couldn't happen again. He wouldn't let it.

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