Chapter 9

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May 29, 33 AE

Their next opportunity for a date would also be their last for the foreseeable future. While Mack's filming was put on hold, he still had his "real" job as a guardian and was easily slipped back into the Org's schedule. Jordan had the entire month of June reserved to promote his new album, and his schedule was packed with late night and early morning appearances, interviews, photoshoots, and the like. They had to make this opportunity count, and Mack didn't want to screw it up.

So they kept it simple. They planned for a late lunch at a vegetarian restaurant that Mack wanted to try, then a trip to the speakeasy arcade Jordan suggested for their first date, and they would end the night with a movie at Jordan's place. Supposedly, Jordan offered his place since it had a bigger TV screen, but he refused to confirm if he also had a bigger couch when Mack asked.

Mack was actually a little surprised that Jordan agreed to a public lunch, even after they learned there was no private or secluded dining area. But Jordan insisted that he still wanted to go, and Mack didn't have the heart to tell him otherwise.

They planned to meet at the restaurant at one, but Mack arrived a little early to scope the place out. Maybe it was his guardian training at work, but maybe he just wanted to make sure there were no surprises for Jordan to walk into. He definitely preferred the latter idea.

Per his request, he got a table at the back corner, away from the restaurant's wide front windows. While the restaurant was busy, there were barriers between every third table, and the patrons in the same section were already ending their meals. Plus, the overhead lighting was terrible (for the "high-end ambiance", probably), and even if people did recognize them, any pictures they took would be blurry.

Jordan arrived right on time, and as he walked up to their table with a wide smile, Mack was delighted that he got there first to see such an entrance.

He was wearing a sky blue blazer opened over a red and blue plaid shirt, and Mack couldn't help but notice how the sunglasses he was hooking to his collar exposed more of Jordan's chest than he probably intended. His shirt was neatly tucked into a pair of white bermudas, secured with a dark brown belt; coupled with his brown and blue boat shoes, Jordan's appearance was like a visual representation of a classy summer.

Their poorly lit table seemed to grow a bit brighter.

"You look fantastic," Mack greeted. (And since when did he get to his feet?)

Jordan seemed to restrain his pleased expression as he glanced around them, then back at Mack. "Thanks, you too."

Mack managed to reduce his laughter to a muted chuckle just in time. "I mean, I know I always look great, but my fashion sense doesn't even compare to yours."

He wasn't exaggerating either. His own outfit was just a white linen Henley shirt, blue jeans, and brown skate shoes. The most thought he put into his clothes was making sure his short sleeves tightly hugged his biceps (as intended) and most of his shirt buttons were left undone (because his chest was phenomenal).

Jordan's smile became slightly less reserved at Mack's comment.

All the fashion talk sparked Mack's memory, and he dug a hand into his back pocket as they sat down.

"I have something for you," Mack grinned, pulling out a small cylindrical gift.

"You didn't have to," Jordan said shyly, but he took the present immediately and admired it for a moment. "I like the snowflakes and pine trees."

"It was the least holiday-themed wrapping paper I had, okay?" Mack explained. "Just open it."

Jordan smirked playfully, but eventually complied.

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