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Niall laughed and I squezzed my eyes shut to look at him, darkly.

Everyone turned their heads to look at us already and I pulled over the cap of my hoodie to hide my face.

„Will you please shut up?! It's embarassing enough!"

Liam patted my hair a bit and Zayn pulled me to his chest.

„Poor Harry." He said and I rolled my eyes as I spotted Emily with her friends across the hallway, walking towards us.

Oh no.

„I am not even here, okay?! If she asks for me- You don't know where I am!"

„Okay." Louis showed me his thumb up and I forced myself not to smile at him like an idiot.

„Thank you." I whispered before rushing away quickly.

My heart warmed at seeing his smile.

„Hey! Do you guys know where Harry is? I thought I just saw him! I have to talk to him-" I only heard Emily and then I was too far to hear them anymore.

I didn't want to talk to Emily.

Maybe it was embarssing to run away from her but I really didn't want to talk to her ever again.

She must hate me.

And I understood her.

I should't have been so unfriendly, right from the start.

I felt bad.

I sneeked back into class when the bell rang and I had no other option.

Liam was sitting on his old place next to me again and I guess Emily asked Mrs Adams to change seats again.

I felt even more bad as I noticed how uncomfortable she seemed to feel today and I gulped a bit as I tryed to concentrate back on lesson.


When the bell rang to lunch break, I happily sighed and followed the others to the cafeteria enthuassiatically and hungry.

When we all stood there and waited for our turn to take our food, I talked to Niall as I heard a small croak behind me.

„Harry? Please....don't run away again. I just want to talk to you for a second."

I slowly turned around to face Emily.

She sniffed. „Please."

I carefully nodded a bit.

She was right.

I would just listen to her telling me the thing she wanted to tell me and then I would leave.

„What is it?" I looked at her nervous and she cleared her throat.

„I- I wanted to explain myself. I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have been so pushy and annoying. I'm really sorry. And I- I'm just so sorry- I-"

She flinched but I interrupted her.

„Why were you so scared as I touched you?"

She stayed silent for a while.

This question burned itself into my mind and I just had to ask her.

„I- I didn't mean to be so pushy, I just wanted to- I really like you, Harry. You probably never really realized but I think I have a crush on you. And I'm sorry I lied to you. It wasn't right and I know that. I was just looking for someone who really loves me."

She sobbed a bit.

„My last boyfriend- he didn't and I just- I'm so sorry, I shouln't-"

She broke down completely.

I quickly reacted and carefully pulled her with me out of the cafeteria where everyone was already watching us and outside I noticed she was crying.

„Hey..." I was overwhelmed and I didn't react at first before I bite my lip and pulled her to my chest to hug her.

It felt okay.

„I am so sorry!" She sobbed into my shirt and I shook my head.

„It's okay."

„Thank you, Harry." She sniffed as she pulled away after calming down again.

I shook my head.

„No, it's okay, really."

„It's not your problem that my ex was such an asshole. I am really sorry."

She breathed out shakily and I noticed she apologized way too often.

„It's okay. I know you are sorry and it's fine. I'm glad you told me. I can understand you now."

I slightly shook my head.

„It's just- He told me how worthless I am and all that and I believed that he was right. I was too fat. I was ugly."

Her hands were shaking as she told me that all with a cracky voice.

„How dare is he saying that?!" I asked, shocked.

„You are so beautiful, Emily, don't let him tell you you aren't! He can search for someone else then! You will found someone better than him everywhere! Not every guy is like him! Just forget this asshole!"

„That's not easy when he meant your whole life to you and then your whole life is telling you, that you are too fat! Do more sport. You gained too much weigh the past few weeks. Don't you wanna make me be proud of you?! When I think back now I can just think that I was so naive! I thought I had to make myself perfect just for him so that he'll love me too!"

„That's not right, Em! You will find someone who will love you just the way you are! I'm sure about that! I mean- Every guy I talked to said you are pretty! And I'm sure your best friends can tell you that too! Just- Forget him and tell yourself that you are enough! You are beautiful, not ugly or fat or whatever! If you want to loose weigh for yourself- then do it! But don't do it when some asshole of a boyfriend tells you you are too fat!"

„Thank you, Harry. You helped me a lot."

She smiled at me, sniffing.

„But I- I also unterstand if you don't want to talk to me anymore."

„No, I want to! How about we start another time? Right from the beginning."

I reached out my hand.

„I'm Harry."

„I'm Emily."

She bite her lip while we shook hands.

„Nice to meet you." I winked at her and she started smiling.

„Nice to meet you too."


„Really?! Oh god, poor Emily."

Niall smile fainted as I told him and the others what Emily told me.

Louis shook his head.

„What an asshole."

Zayn nodded. „If someone would give me his name and adress now I'd drive straight to his and cup off his balls. I'd make him pay for what he did."

„He was older than Emily. He already had his own apartment and he was studying that time."

„She wouln't be captable of doing anything to fight against him if he'd taken even more advantage from her."

Liam stated and I gulped, nodding.

„Luckily he obviously didn't."

Louis was silent.




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