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millie silently cuts into her food at the dining table. her father was sat at the head and she was sat next to her brother.

antonio helped millie by helping her tell their father that the reason that she was not here for a few days was to do a small.. job.

he obviously believed it.

she watches squishy in the corner of her eye. he ate his food silently like he was taught and raven was upstairs in her cage as a punishment because she broke millies lamp.

she adored the lamp. she threatened the owner of the shop for it.

"i assumed you'd eat the salad in the fridge." lorenzo speaks up as both siblings look up.

"pardon?" antonio asks.

"millie." he states as she glares at him, "what about me?"

"like i said. i had assumed you'd eat the salad in the fridge." he wipes his mouth with the napkin.

she pauses and gives him a look, "and why is that?"

"looks like you gained a few pounds, that's all." he shrugs as she gasps inaudibly and drops her cutlery.

she throws her napkin onto the table, "i'm done, thank you." she fakes a smile, kicking the chair towards the table before kneeling down to grab squishy.

"oh come on, i was just stating my opinion." he laughs out loud as she walks past him without a word.

"millie," antonio calls out and stands up but she was already headed for the stairs.

"for christ's sake," he mumbles, "millie!" he shouts and chases after her.

from the stairs, he sees her door slam shut and he starts to run faster. he stumbles to the door, fiddling with the doorknob then slams it open which causes raven and squishy to jump.

raven hisses at him the ducks her head as his eyes snap to the door in the room. he scans the room, not noticing his sister and then it hits him.

"no, no, no," he mumbles and runs towards the tinted door.

"millie!" he pounds on the door, "come on, open up."

whenever she locked herself in that empty white room, it was never good.

the room is soundproof so she wouldn't hear him shout but antonio changed the doors so she could at least hear his muffled voice regardless.

and she would be to lost in her thoughts to notice that she could suddenly hear him. even if it was muffled.

once she locked herself in the room, it would take at least days before she would leave. she used to have objects in there for her to break but now it was all emptied out.

only a hammer and some markers for her to ruin the walls when she was in there.

sometimes she would come out all bloody. from when she hurts herself. other times, she would come out all tired. dark circles under her eyes and stains of mascara on her face.

and times where she would come out like nothing had happened.

that was the worst because antonio knew what followed would not have been good.

"millie.." he whispers, "open up please."

he fiddles with the doorknob but it doesn't open, "mills.."

he sighs out when she doesn't respond. he lets go of the doorknob then fixes his posture before exiting her room silently with raven and squishy staring at him like they were concerned.

psychopaths ; fillieWhere stories live. Discover now