"oh darling, what are we going to do with you?"
estella had never been particularly fond of the slytherin boys. their laughs, snide jokes, their teasing. just everything about them was insufferable. theodore and mattheo on the other hand, we...
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ALL SORTS OF BOOKS WERE SPLAYED ACROSS THE TABLE, FROM TEXTBOOKS TO BOOKS FROM THE LIBRARY, TO NOTEBOOKS AS AURORA AND ESTELLA WERE TRYING TO STUDY. Granted, Estella didn't really need the studying, but she was more than happy to help Aurora and Amelia to study, the latter having not arrived yet. They weren't entirely sure where she was, but given that it was lunchtime, they could only surmise that she had either been held back by a professor or was getting a quick bite to eat in the great hall instead of with them in the library.
Either way, it probably wasn't going to stop the distraction that came from the boys as they sat down at the other end of the table, books hitting loudly against the table, making her jump and her eyes shoot up, as did Aurora's. Then she saw them and had to resist the urge to groan really loudly. Not that they would have heard with the boisterous laughing and carrying about they were doing.
Who comes to a library if you're just going to disrupt everyone else here and destroy the place? She rolled her eyes, trying to pay attention to the words written down only for a few moments before one of the boys ran past, knocking some of Aurora's books off of the table.
Some of the boys continued to laugh and joke about, including the one that ran past, but she did manage to catch the attention of one boy with her glare and an eye roll, his blue eyes staring down at her with his arms crossed over his chest. He was lazing against the side of the table, legs stretched out in front of her with a smirk of amusement on his face at her annoyance.
"Do you mind? I don't really like being stared at, Carson,"
"Do I mind? You guys are the ones shouting and knocking people's books over," Estella gestured to the books that Aurora was picking up from the floor at that point in time, making Theodore look down before back up at Aurora.
"You don't mind, do you Aurora?" Theodore asked, a small smirk on his face. Estella rolled her eyes, knowing exactly what he was thinking. Aurora was far too shy to confront practically anyone, much less someone from the main Slytherin group. He knew that, the sly smirk on his face said so, and it was taunting her. Aurora shook her head, "See, Carson? Aurora doesn't even care and you're making a big deal over nothing, no need to be so rude."
"Oh fuck off," Estella grumbled under her breath, feeling annoyance bubble fast in her chest. She didn't look back up at Theo, or any of the other Slytherin boys for that matter, but she could feel their stares and Theo's smirk. She was cursing in her head, wondering why exactly they had to be there. Unless they were studying or getting books, there was no purpose for them here, so why couldn't they just leave?
She felt hands on her shoulders, large, taking the entirety of her shoulders into their palms and squeezing them as if they were trying to massage them. Before she could even start to guess who it was, she felt someone breathing right beside her ear, "You need to relax, Carson."
"You need to get off of me, weirdo," She shrugged his hands off her shoulders, flicking one away with her hand as she stood up, turning around to stare at him. The chair she had just been sitting on separated the two of them, Theodore with a smirk on his face and Estella with a scrunched up, annoyed face.
"Just sayin' you could use something to destress, I'm sure Mattheo wouldn't mind spending a night with you," Theodore winked at her, and she just responded with a disgusted look.
"You're disgusting."
"Theo, are you planning on continuing to annoy my friends or can you please go away?" A voice piped up from behind, causing Theodore to turn around towards it, bowing mockingly once he saw who it was.
"Your majesty," Amelia was walking towards Estella and Aurora, sending Theodore a playful eye roll before placing her books down on the table and nudging Estella on the arm.
Thankfully enough, Amelia's presence had been the perfect distraction and allowed most of Estella's annoyance to simmer away as they both sat down on the old, wooden chairs the library provided. Books, which Aurora had now fully picked up and placed back on the table, were stacked in the spare seat, which upon noticing, Amelia started to question.
"Harvey not coming today?"
Estella shook her head, "Nah, he decided to head back to Ravenclaw to hang out with some of the guys there."
"Traitor," Amelia joked, before opening her book, "What are we studying today anyway?"
Then, they were thrown into studying, with Estella explaining all sorts of different things that they were confused about. While the teachers at Hogwarts were somewhat good, the majority of them anyway, could sometimes still be confusing. They only ever really explained stuff once, and for those who didn't understand it immediately, they looked to their classmates for help.
Amelia and Aurora were far from dumb, but they definitely weren't against asking for help. Aurora was a truly sweet soul, someone that Estella had met in her second year. Well, it wasn't the first time that Estella had seen Aurora, but it was the first time she had properly acknowledged the girl's presence. She could remember the distress on her face, her books splayed all over the floor, and tears building up in her eyes just outside the Great Hall.
Then she recalled the shouting, not to Aurora, but in fact, in her defense. A Slytherin girl, dark hair, with her back to Estella, standing in front of the girl as she cursed out whoever had done this or anyone who dared to find it remotely amusing. Amelia.
Turned out, that was the first time Amelia had ever encountered Aurora, too. She had seen the sweet Hufflepuff girl get laughed at, and had wasted no time defending her honour, without even knowing her. Estella and Harvey had very quickly gone over to help Aurora, who struggled to keep it together as she scrambled to pick her books up.
She had come a long way since then, but confrontation still wasn't her strong suit.
That's where Estella seemed to struggle to relate to Aurora. Estella struggled to control herself when stuff like that happened, or anyone was even remotely annoying, and she didn't even know where to start with those annoying Slytherin boys.
"You know, Stella, you shouldn't let them annoy you," Amelia broke Estella out of her trance, making her turn to look at the Slytherin girl, who stared down at her potions homework, sketching a few designs in the margins.
"They only annoy you because they know they'll get a reaction out of you," She commented, still not looking up as she continued, "You want them to leave you alone? Just ignore them, they'll go away with time."
The Ravenclaw girl struggled to believe that any of the Slytherin boys could even be remotely sufferable. Even if she ignored them, they'd still continue, she had no doubt. Yet again, Amelia knew them better than Estella did. Amelia had spent the past few years with them constantly, considering they were in the same house as she was.
If she did ignore them, would they finally get the hint and leave her alone? Would she be freed from their snide remarks and small shoves and just irritating and cocky personalities? That sounded like a dream. To be free of the twitching and clenched fists, and the feeling in her chest that made her want to commit a crime.
Maybe Amelia was right, ignoring them might be worth a shot. She didn't have much to lose. For the rest of the time in the library, Estella barely paid attention, her eyes focused on something outside, and her mind surrounded by thoughts of peace. A life without torment from Theodore and Mattheo sounded like heaven and Estella was convinced she could do it.