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DANCER IN THE DARK. chapter five
❝   let's see what you're made of.   ❞

"SOME MAIL CAME FOR YOU TODAY," A random Ravenclaw spoke up, handing Estella some package. She looked up at them with a forced smile, trying to claw her eyelids open to see who it was, thanking them curtly. Even though they were being nice, Estella couldn't help but feel irritated at the interruption, simply wanting to sleep for the next three years, hoping to finally clear the exhaustion she was feeling.

"Guessing you didn't get that much sleep last night then," Harvey piped up beside her, nudging her lightly on the shoulder.

"Whatever would have given you that impression?" Estella quipped back sarcastically, not even bothering to open her eyes and look at her best friend who sat beside her. She had barely touched the toast that sat on her plate, nor had she even bothered to look at the mail she had just received.

Harvey hummed, almost as if he actually had to think about an answer, "I'm not sure, not eating your food, not opening your eyes, the grumpiness, although you normally are a little grump anyway."

"Ha-ha Harvey, very funny," Harvey stuck his tongue out at Estella as she finally opened her eyes, the dim lights of the Great Hall thankfully not assaulting her eyes.

Breakfast is almost already over, and she can hear people beginning to make their way to class. The thought of even having to put up with a day of classes makes her already grumpy mood become much worse, groaning as Harvey tried to yank her up off of the chair so that she is standing upright.

"Can you not just let me die here in peace?"

"Afraid not, if you get caught skipping you might get detention."

"Well, what if I only die for a few minutes then I get mysteriously resurrected?" Estella bargained, and even though she knew she wouldn't win this battle, it was delaying their walk to class, allowing all the annoying people to leave the Great Hall before them. It meant she wasn't getting caught up in the hallways and being subjected to their loud and stupid conversations.

"I'm afraid that you might also get detention if you're late, which you're about to make us," Harvey replied quickly, yanking Estella up without warning as he murmured, "Now get up, lazy bitch."

"Watch who you're speaking to," Estella jokingly threatened.

"You're not as scary when you're borderline delirious, by the way."

They began walking out of the main hall as Estella rolled her eyes, "That's quite a shame. Although, you've never been scared of me."

"It's kind of difficult to be scared of someone you've saw choke on like fourteen marshmallows that they tried to shove in their mouth at one time," Harvey shrugged, causing Estella to hit him on the arm and shush him, "Anyway, I have History of Magic so I'll catch you later."

DANCER IN THE DARK, m riddle + t. nottWhere stories live. Discover now