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DANCER IN THE DARK. chapter six

❝   would've expected more from a good girl like you.   ❞

FRIDAY EVENING DETENTION. What a great way to start off the weekend. 

Although, as Estella walked into the room where she was supposed to serve her time, she came across an empty room. No professor, and certainly no Theodore. Maybe her day wouldn't be as bad as she thought it was going to be. 

Yet, all hope seemed to drain from her body when she heard his voice. 

"Listen, Professor, I just think that if they wanted us to get to class on time they should have one of those muggle things that rings to let us know we need to be on our way."

"Do you mean a school bell, Mr Nott?" The professor had spoken, and even though Estella couldn't see their face, she knew that they were very unimpressed by Theodore's antics. Their voice was flat, dull, and you could tell they were definitely not interested in what Theodore was rambling about. 

"Yes, probably," Theodore replied. 

"Well, at Hogwarts we hope that our students are clever enough to know when they need to be in class, without having to constantly be reminded. You should be there bright and early, especially for first period where you do not need to travel a while from previous classes." 

"C'mon Professor, have you never been caught in a daydream and lost track of time?" Theodore said, just as he rounded the corner, following the professor into the room. 

The professor, with their eyes shut and let out a small sigh, plastered an obviously fake smile on their face, rubbing their temples as if Theodore had given them a sore head in the few minutes he had been heckling them. 

"Miss. Carson, good to see you here," Estella bid the professor a good evening as they placed a briefcase on the side cabinet near the entrance, fixing the glasses that lay low on their nose. 

Theodore stumbled in shortly after the professor with no real care, looking at objects that lay around and fidgeting about with them, picking a small jar up and shaking it about, only for it to change from pink to purple. With wide eyes, he placed it back down and walked over, placing his stuff down. 

"Well, now that you're both here, your task is to organise the cupboard through there," The professor pointed behind them, "Everything is to be organised alphabetically. A stock count is to be done and the report is supposed to be handed back to me on Monday morning. That means you will need to be five minutes early for class. Understand?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2023 ⏰

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