"oh darling, what are we going to do with you?"
estella had never been particularly fond of the slytherin boys. their laughs, snide jokes, their teasing. just everything about them was insufferable. theodore and mattheo on the other hand, we...
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THE MUSIC BLASTED THROUGH THE SLYTHERIN SENIOR COMMON ROOM. It was strange to be in the Slytherin common room if she was being honest. She never really spent a lot of time there. The seniors were a little more lenient than the juniors, which was why they had separate common rooms. Plus, they were nearing eighteen, they didn't need to be disturbed by excited, hyper eleven-year-olds when they were trying to study.
Despite Amelia being a Slytherin, normally the group hung out in the Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff common rooms. The Slytherin common room was an odd place, and whenever Estella entered, she felt all eyes on her, staring at her with a level of intensity that made her feel uncomfortable. Harvey didn't let it bother him too much, he liked the attention, giving them all a cheeky smile, but Aurora looked like she wanted to cry every time she entered.
Thankfully enough, the Slytherins were far too busy celebrating their victory against Hufflepuff on the quidditch pitch only a few hours earlier to really care about any of the people here. There is alcohol everywhere, and Estella struggled to understand how they managed to get away with this but didn't care. I mean, if the professors knew this was happening they'd surely go off their heads.
It was astounding that somehow, the juniors were completely unaware that the seniors were allowed to invite others from other houses to their common rooms, and they certainly were unaware of the parties and all sorts that went on. The silence charms certainly worked a charm, not wanting to wake up the sleeping eleven-year-olds. Plus, they'd probably snitch.
Music played loudly as Estella sat with Amelia and Harvey, all having drinks. Aurora, being a Hufflepuff, decided not to attend tonight. In fact, Hufflepuffs in general made themselves scarce, with only a few there tonight. They weren't particularly sore losers, but it was known that Slytherins definitely liked to rub in their victories.
They sit with a few of Amelia's Slytherin friends, including her roommate, Pansy Parkinson. Pansy was relatively nice to the group, but she was a massive gossip, they all knew that, so they tried to not reveal anything too much about herself. Estella was fairly cautious when it came to stuff like that, not that she really cared what people thought, but she loved her privacy.
Muggle rap music buzzed loudly in her ears. It was odd, for a house that was so against muggles, they sure liked their music. Perhaps they didn't know. Estella's head was soothed by the alcohol that she had been consuming, a kind of blur across her brain, a smile on her face. She had a newfound love for parties, there was something about them. They were so different from normal Hogwarts life, and it was nice to just be carefree sometimes.
When she was a junior at Hogwarts, she had never realised that parties were a frequent thing that took place in the school. She was convinced that everyone was like the first years. Innocent, devoted to their studies. Yet, as you get older, you become almost sick of school taking over every second of your life. She wanted to have fun, and if she focused solely on her studies, she would struggle with that.
Maybe that's why she found herself breaking off from her friends, alcohol still in hand, her back against a wall as she smiled at a Slytherin boy. He was on the Slytherin quidditch team, broad shoulders, a cocky smile on his face. His name was Connor, or that's what he told her at least.
"You played well today," Estella complimented, taking a sip of her alcohol again as she looked up at the boy.
He was amused, she could tell. His arm was leaning against the wall, trying to appear cool and laid-back. He hummed lightly, "I'm glad I caught your eye, I'm honoured."
His voice was deep, a thick, proper, English accent lacing his words. He reached forward, his hand softly touching her hair, subtly. Estella tried to stop her smile from getting any bigger, being rather nonchalant. Connor was her target for this evening, and Estella wasn't one for failing. It didn't seem like this would be too difficult for her, though, given how he was acting already.
"Don't think I've ever seen you smile before, Carson," A deep voice piped up to the side of Connor and Estella, and Estella's happy feeling turned sour recognising who it was.
Mattheo's brown eyes looked at the smaller girl, whose smile quickly dropped. He held a similar cup to her, his large hand wrapped around it, rings on full display. He had one hand in his pocket, taking a sip out of his cup as he awaited her answer.
Yet, it never came. Estella was trying to listen to Anelia's advice, to ignore them, to not pay attention to them, so that they'd get the hint and stop. She itched to reply, to say something snarky just to try and get to him, but truly, it only ever got to her. Both Mattheo and Theodore thrived off of her annoyance. She took a deep breath, plastering a smile back on her face as she turned back towards Connor.
"I'm running empty, you want to come with me to get a refill?" She offered the boy, holding up her cup to signal what she meant.
Connor paused for a second before nodding his head, throwing an arm around her shoulders, "Sounds great."
He nodded at Mattheo, who stayed rather still as he watched the two leave, confused and a little irritated. He didn't understand why Estella didn't bite back at him, she always did, but he tried not to dwell, letting out a little grumble as he returned to his friends, his brown eyes catching back on Connor and Estella, who laughed at each other's jokes.
Two drinks of alcohol later, Estella found herself pulled into a Slytherin dorm, lips on hers the second the door closed. She wasn't sure if anyone had noticed her leave, but she wasn't too bothered, too focused on the fuzzy feeling in her brain and the boy in front of her. Connor pulled away from her lips, his lips travelling down her neck sloppily, kisses placed all the way down to her collarbone.
He pulled away for a second, "God, you're so hot."
Estella smirked, leaning back in to kiss him. His hands were all over the place, on her shoulder, on the back of her head, and then sliding down her waist. She didn't pay much attention as he took off his shirt, with her taking off hers in response. Both of them stood, breathless, smirking at each other before he leapt forward again, as if he was hungry, trying to devour her, his lips against hers as she was led over to his dorm bed, a litter of clothes behind them.
promise you will get sex scenes, just not with useless boys like connor xoxo until next time!