Chapter 14: The Second Big Battle

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Zeus's POV

I was incredibly mad. I did not know why I was mad, all I know is that I may or may not have killed a few Demigods. "We are going to attack Perseus, NOW!" I yelled, "Kill every monster he has, and kill the bloody demigod!" I sent Hermes to tell the demigods what I wanted them to do.

Annabeth's POV 

I led the big army of demigods sent by the king of the gods to Tartarus. I thought that we would enter the pit easily, but that did not happen. We clashed with an army before even reaching the pit and unluckily, Perseus was there. We pushed back the army till we got to the entrance of Tartarus.  A demigod pushed Perseus into the fight and was killed easily. I fainted.

Percy's POV

I watched the battle rage through an Iris Message. The stupid demigods thought I was really fighting with them. HA! I had simply made a clone of myself and sent it with my army. I saw puny Annabeth faint on the field. I chuckled. My clone killed many demigods. I saw Bentley actually fighting, but only fighting as good as me when I fought Mrs. Dodds. The rest of the 'True Heroes' arrived at the scene. They killed many monsters but were all taken down. Bentley ran like a coward knowing that the field was lost. Annabeth awoke and fled with Bentley. Around ten demigods escaped the battle, but all others were killed. The seven great demigods had been reduced to three, Frank, Piper, and Annabeth. I laughed with glee. The stupid demigods had once again been desolated. My clone disappeared in a cloud of dust and my remaining monsters began to feast on the demigod bodies. A sudden flash blinded me. The Olympians were on the field killing thousands of monsters at a time. The field was lost and my entire army was destroyed. I guess it was a win for me and a win for them.  The battle wasn't over yet though. I had huge Drakons dig underground and they came out of the tunnels they made. One Drakon caught Hermes by surprise and ripped him in half. The Drakon ate Hermes. Zeus saw what was happening and tried to flee, but he knew that he could not leave the other gods to fight for themselves. Zeus ran out of the battle anyways. Poseidon fled the field as well. Dionysus was chewed into a bloody mess by the largest Drakon. The largest Drakon was as long as a football field, and as wide as a truck. It ate Aphrodite and tried to eat Athena, but Ares came in with his spear and stabbed through it's head. Athena took her own spear and shoved it down the Drakon's throat. The Drakon fell dead. Hera battled an acid spitting Drakon and killed it. All other Drakons fled into their tunnels. I was happy with the results of the battle, but I lost my greatest Drakon. I knew that the battle had ended, so I recalled every monster under my command to my Fortress. The field was left in flame and death. One remaining Drakon picked up some demigod bodies and trotted off the battlefield. There was no celebration this time.  Both sides took collateral damage. My side lost tens of thousands of monsters, whilst their side lost hundreds of demigods. I realized that I was getting really tired, so I fell into a deep sleep. Once I awoke, I went to recruit  some more monsters.

Bentley's POV

I cursed Perseus as I ran from the fields of battle. I could hear the screams and cries an entire mile away. Mortals were looking in the direction of the screams in confusion, whilst I fled as fast as I could (Which is about 3 miles per hour). I saw other demigods ahead of me. Annabeth was one, and another was Will Solace. I tripped Will whence I somehow caught up with him, and I pushed a demigod who was running next to Will. Annabeth ran inside a coffee shop and hid, and I ran inside a mall to hide. After an hour of waiting, I returned to Olympus and found that only nine gods remaining. Zeus spoke in a sad voice, "We lost our weakest gods, we need to attack Perseus himself. I stand for this, who else agrees?" Cheering was heard throughout the room. "We go to war on Friday. The same day Perseus will be celebrating his Birthday, and the day that he will be suffering his time of weakness." A/N It is Monday at the moment in the PJO Universe. "I will lead our last army, and participate in our final stand!" Athena cried. "Agreed," said Zeus, "Now, Hephaestus, start preparing and making weaponry. Athena, you plan our attack. And all demigods shall prepare." All the remaining demigods (Which is only 13) scattered into the halls of the gods.

Word Count 842  

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