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10 years later 

By the way, the Olympians wiped the minds of all mortals and demigods who did not experience the 4th battle. And the ones who were there were turned into gods and never told anyone of Perseus.

Mark, son of Hermes, POV

I was walking on Olympus when I overheard Annabeth and Poseidon talking of something. "When can we execute Perseus, My lord? It has been over ten years now." "Who is Perseus?" I thought. Some ideas for awesome pranks came across my mind. "We will not be talking of Prisoner 65 for now," Poseidon told Annabeth. The two gods walked away. I, being the curious and mischievous person I am, went to find this Perseus. I sneaked into the dungeons and found the 65th cell. A scarred person with pale skin and blood red eyes sat on the hard cold stone floor. His messy black hair draped down to his shoulders. I yanked the door open. "Who are you," I asked. He didn't respond. I kicked him. "Who are you," I asked again. He looked up and said, "Curiosity kills the Cat."

This is a short part, but I only meant for it to foreshadow what will happen next.

Word count 201

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