Beautiful Sinner: Part Fifteen

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Beautiful Sinner: Part Fifteen

Chapter Fifteen

5 Stone eyes

I instantly looked away from her 5 stone eyes, because she was mutated she now had 5 eyes.

"Freya.... What are you doing sssooo far away from home?" Medusa chuckled, "Sssooo rude not to look people in the eyes..." She continued trying to tempt me into looking. I had my hand over my eyes and held my breath.

"Go to hell!" I growled shortly after,

"Your coming with me then..." She said devilishly. Suddenly one of her slimy snakes bit my hand making it numb... Her eyes were a grey sort... My body stiffened until I couldn't move at all...

Medusa laughed in pride as she saw me frozen solid. My heart began to transform into a stone statue along with me. "Ha! So much for this Zane!" She mocked. If I could of moved I would of tackled her to the ground. She walked slowly out of the cave looking over her shoulder and somehow her face grew sad and then she left. I was left lifeless and paralysed. My dirty clothes looked beautiful when it became stone, on the other hand, my face looked frozen - not by stone but fear. My jeans looked creased and over hanging over my stone cold leg. A tear dropped from my eye but of coarse became stone automatically.

Meanwhile, the gods were roaring with joy, Medusa returned back to the stronghold cave.

"Well done Medusa! Now scurry back to where you came from," Groaned the mutator god.

"What about the gold?" She yelled,

"What about the gold?" Repeated the god, the other 9 were laughing insultingly.

"You made a deal with me!" Screamed Medusa,

"Well you have no proof! Your dismissed," interrupted another god,

"Not without that gold!" She continued,

"Get out!" Growled all 10 gods with their eye sockets becoming a punishing purple. Medusa stormed out returning to the land of the dead.

Back to me, I was yes still frozen but then I heard something creep up behind me, I couldn't turn around to see what it was but its footsteps were tiny and sweet. I could hear its nose sniffing and a squeaking noise. I felt it brush past me with its fur or hair. When it finally stood in front of me I realized it was a badger! The same badger that I saved! It climbed up my leg and recognized me. I didn't understand at first what happened next but the badger dashed out of the cave and disappeared. I was freezing in the cave and I didn't see the badger for a while until my back began to heat up... The warmth ran up my neck. My stone hair began to crack and return blonde... My jeans became navy blue once more, but my face was facing away from the heat and not returning to normal.. The badger returned with a few friends which varied from mice to monkeys, anyway back to the tale. I felt my heel (as I was bear foot) being lifted up by paws, claws, palms. Suddenly, my eyes were blinded by a bright light and I thought "this is it, I'm a gonna..." But it was quite the opposite... My nose began to warm up and crack... My eyes were able to move and moist. I looked down and my clothes weren't stone but much more of a vibrant color without a speck of mud. BANG! I heard and stone was surrounding my feet. I began to sway my arms and twisting my waist and my legs began to flow with color. I heard another loud bang and I my hands began to feel lighter and free. Before I knew it I was human once more - well back to my shape shifter self. I looked back up at the light and it was the brightest sun rise I have ever seen! There was some sort of mossy, vine curtains at the entrance of the cave. I walked forward slipping out of the stone covering my feet.

I placed my hand above my eyes and as my eyes focused I saw paradise. In each and every remaining mountains poured tropical blue water causing a giant pool in the center of the mountain wall. I noticed Bambi deers drinking from the pure water and running in the meadow in which the pond pool was imbedded inside of. I looked up and the sky was no longer black but sky blue without a single cloud! The temperature wasn't boiling, neither freezing, it was just in the middle - just the way I liked it. The breeze was gentle, the cause of it not becoming humid. Something was shadowing my eyes and when I glanced up there was a whole flock of white swans with diamond eyes. I knew I was close to Zane and breaking the gods strength. I laughed at the sight and the badger rubbed against my leg. "Thank you," I laughed, sitting down onto my knees stroking his furry head.

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