Beautiful Sinner : Part Eighteen

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Beautiful Sinner : Part Eighteen

Chapter 18

2 Liberated souls,

The cave was extremely dark and our sense of smell was our only sight, suddenly, a loud bang echoed threw the cave like thunder in the sky, our hearts felt the gods coldness around us. We were surrounded,

"How dare you enter the stronghold cave?" Screeched one,

"I'm sorry, I didn't see a doorbell! Now give me Zane back!" I growled,

"Yet you know death waits these soldiers," Said another,

"We fight for what is right now show me where he is!" I yelled,

"HOW DARE YOU SPEAK TO A GOD LIKE THAT!" Bellowed a god squeezing his fist, it suddenly became hard to breeth and I was falling to the ground as if something was pushing me down. Theodore knew what was wrong and jumped onto the god with the squeezing fist. Once he had landed, he bit the hand clean off. My lungs started to move once more and I picked myself up, Theodore looked down at the hand in horror. But the god felt nothing but joy as it grew another hand replacing the torn.

"I pity you," The god chuckled, I growled and just before I could attack the god Theodore raised his paw.

"Let us remain in a civilized manner, now. Where is Zane?" Theodore repeated, the gods seemed to ignore what Theodore said and began to look around,

"Where is the criminal?" They asked,

"What?" I gasped,

"She goes by the name Freya," Another explained,

"What are you going on about? Freya is no criminal!" I yelled,

"She uses witchcraft to shape shift and everyone knows dark magic is forbidden to mortals," The gods growled,

"Freya IS a shapeshifter!" I sighed,

"Shapeshifter's use dark magic," Another god stated,

"Your calculations are false!" Theodore belted, the gods turned around and began to talk, after ten minuets they came to a conclusion,

"We will give you the souls of Olivia and Zane in return a battle, if we win, we get to kill Freya," they concluded,

"Freya is dead!" I cried, tears filling my eyes,

"No she isn't, but in a deep sleep," The gods argued, my heart began to scream in joy,

"Why are you giving us the advantage may I ask?" Theodore interrupted,

"You don't, we will just take more lives..." The gods chuckled maliciously, we had no choice. We needed the numbers. I nodded my head whilst my heart was shaking, the gods broken smile cracked as a large light blue light appeared behind them. The light began to move in a figure of eight shape before expanding threw out the cave for about a split second. Once our eyes focused from the blinding light Zane and Olivia stood.

"Olivia!" I cheered, she jumped into my arms and followed with a deep kiss, Zane on the other hand stood almost lost. He looked at me remembering Freya.

"Your war will start when the sun sets," The gods warned...

We all cautiously left the cave watching over our backs, Zane especially. The pack set up camp giving me some time with Zane,

"I can't believe she did all that for me, it's unbelievable," Zane sniffed as tears ran down his eyes into his thick fur,

"Your bond brought us here, you are both truly amazing people," I smiled.

"Where did you find all these wolves? I swear there wasn't as many when I first found you," Zane asked looking around,

"I know a lot of different packs, a lot of ally's. I used to grow up with most of the leaders of these packs," I replied looking at the sun, "We should get some rest, it's around three," I suggested, Zane nodded as he curled round and closed his exhausted eyes.

One of the wolves howled and we awakened,

"It's time," Theodore informed. Zane and I walked into a tent some of the wolves put up. Olivia stood there looking at the armor, One gold, one silver, one bronze.

"Zane, this is yours," I said unstrapping the golden armor - in human form. Once I had unstrapped it I hooked it to Zane's furry body, there were a long helmet coving the whole of the top half of the head covering the nose with snout holes, ear holes and of coarse eye holes. Also, two shoulder pads and a light covering of the back, he looked like a god! Not to mention the two curved horns from beneath the ears reaching the end of the snout. Olivia's were the same but bronze, same as mine but silver, and finally Theodore had one but iron.

Once we were strapped up, we walked to a large field in which the battle would take place. The whole pack was lined up, side by side, almost covering the width of the field. Me, Theodore, Olivia and Zane stood at the front leading the army. Obviously we were in wolf form. Suddenly, out of no where the gods appeared with an army of monsters, the sky grew into a thunderstorm and we knew the battle was near. We could hear it in the air, the packs howled in pride as we stood our ground, Zane's paw was slowly lifting off the field and the gods began to growl. Zane inhaled deeply and roared out a bark which made the sky shoot lightning and ground quake.

"This ends here..." He roared before leading the pack into battle... This was it...

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