TWENTY-THREE: Thanks Maxx [Thanksgiving special]

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(A chapter made for thanksgiving)

The day had gone by slow. I sat alone on my bad, stroking my cat and lost in my thoughts. It had been the week after that odd round of hide n' seek and since Bendy has been busy with something. I have no idea what- he's super hesitant to tell me but I know it's something important. So he's been gone most of the week. A normal person would be relieved to finally have time to themselves after being around a demon for so long, but I, although I hate to admit it, miss his presence. He's just fricking busy with his dumb stupid secrets! Can't he give himself a break? Am I growing jealous over something I don't know?

A loud sigh happened to leave my lips, "Oh Nightfall, what should I do? Bendy's been gone all day and I feel so lonely without him. I hate feeling this way." Nightfall meowed and placed his paw on my cheek. A small smile formed on my face and a chuckle left my mouth, "Yeah I know you're here, but I still feel so lonely without Bendy. Like some piece of me has left. I hate this feeling." Nightfall let out a small mew in response, as if he understood whatever I was feeling. He then licked my cheek as a sign of affection, "You probably know what I'm feeling huh bud?" Nightfall meowed again. I sighed then chuckled, "If only my dreams were real and you could actually talk." Nightfall only sniffed in response.
We sat on my bed for what seemed like an hour until I began to grow hungry. My stomach began to growl loudly, as did Nightfall's, "Looks like it's lunchtime." I murmured, standing up with Nightfall in my arms as if he was a baby. I walked out of my room, passed the throne room as walked into the kitchen.
I half expected to see Bendy on his throne, but when I didn't I felt disappointed. This whole week has been boring and lonely. When Bendy started to leave everyday for some reason, he ordered me to stay in his base. No matter what. Meaning, I couldn't go to certain places to cure my boredom. Not that I could without Bendy's supervision in the first place.

I grabbed two cans of bacon soup, one for me and one for Nightfall. Nightfall bounced around at my feet as I opened his bacon soup and placed it into his bowl. I then began cooking my bacon soup.
As Nightfall ate, I became lost in my thoughts yet saying them all out loud for Nightfall to hear, "I wonder what it's been like outside since I've been here." Nightfall glanced up at me and tilted his head. When we came to the studio it had been fall; I began to wonder if it still was or if it was winter. And what about the holidays. Never thought about outside until now. I'm beginning to miss it. Not any people but just the seasons and holidays and watching shows alone on the couch eating popcorn with Nightfall on my lap. The thing I miss most is food. Normal food besides bacon soup. I should've been thankful for the food I had then because eating bacon soup all the time is a little torturous.

To be honest, I don't think I've ever really dwelled on the fact that I missed home before. Bendy's always been around 24/7 until now. I miss him. Damn, I guess this day is dedicated to missing things.
My soup began to boil over the pot, "Fuck!" I quickly turned off the stove but of course it didn't stop the boiling. All this missing stuff and getting lost in my thoughts has really token a toll on me. I can't focus on simple tasks, even if it helps keep me alive. Sighing and too impatient to have it stop boiling, I just dumped it out. I was definitely burnt anyway. The bacon bits were clumped together in small groups, as black as coal and probably tasted just as gross as eating charcoal. As it cooled down on the spot, the broth slowly moved up and down as if breathing, making a small splashing sound. I almost gagged looking inside the pot and immediately threw it out.

Seems how I've made a mess, I began to clean it. I washed the dirty pot then grabbed a cloth and cleaned off the broth that would stain the stove. Instead of making new bacon soup, I went into my room along with Nightfall as soon as he was done.
And it was back to lying on my bed thinking how much I miss Bendy's presence. My favorite activity this week.
I groaned, shoving my face into my pillow, "I hate feeling this feeling without Bendy! Shouldn't I be happy seems how he keeps me only as a prisoner? I don't know!" Nightfall laid beside my head, gently meowing, "I just wish Bendy was here right now, boy. Is that weird?" Nightfall placed his fluffy tail on my shoulder and purred softly, as if to comfort me. I only smiled, beginning to relax. Feelings are normal, it doesn't matter how overwhelming they are as everyone around the world go through each and every feeling too. The thought of that comforted me. After awhile of sitting in my bed relaxed, my eyelids grew heavy and I began to fall asleep. Until I heard something.

     𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐈𝐧𝐤 | Ink Bendy x Depressed! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now