THIRTY-SIX: Resurfacing memories

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Mika and Bendy watched as (Y/n) rounded the corner, disappearing deeper into the studio. They tried calling her name, trying to stop her, but the young woman was too pained to care. She was blinded with the truth. And Mika knew that. She knew this would happen right from the beginning. A child should never be separated from their mother. Mika tried telling Susie this, attempting to adopt (Y/n) before she was even born, but her sister is foolish and is an asshole.
It's too dangerous, Susie said, Joey could find out, Susie said.
Joey could fuck off for all Mika cares. Nothing would've ever harmed (Y/n) if Susie had just listened and let her sister help. Mika would've taken good care of her niece, more than what Henry and Linda could. (Y/n) would've been sure she was loved, and not stripped from all happiness.
But that scared selfish, bratty Susie didn't listen!!

Suddenly Mika was snapped out of her thoughts, as Bendy shoved her out of the way, "(Y/n)!!!"
He was about to chase her, but Mika's voice stopped him, "Bendy, wait."
He skidded to a stop, glaring at Mika.
"She's gone.."
That made him break down. The inky devil collapsed onto the floor, letting out a sorrowful cry, tears streaming down his face. Mika immediately went over to comfort him. She kneeled down at his side, nuzzling his arm until he wrapped his arms around her and cried onto her shoulder, "Why...Why is this happening to me.? I-I'm happy for a short while, and then it just leaves!" Bendy sobbed out, digging his claws into Mika's back. The cartoon cat winced, but let him take his anger out. Part of her wished she could do that. Part of her wished she could fucking kill her piece of shit sister.
"Everyone always leaves me!!" His claws dug deeper into her back, to which made her yelp in pain. He flinched, looking at her guiltily, "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" He hugged her even tighter, sobbing uncontrollably, "I'm sorry!!!!!"
"Bendy it's fine! Just stop squishing me!" Mika squeaked out, trying to get out of the demon's grasp. He let go, sniffing, "Sorry.." He murmured.
"It's fine." She repeated, brushing herself off and getting up. She offered a hand to Bendy, to which he took gratefully.

Kipper slowly limped to the doorframe, their eyes gleaming with concern, "What happened?"
"(Y/n) ran off..." Mika murmured, walking beside Bendy back into the safehouse. Kipper perked up, "(Y/n) was here?!"
Mika only nodded, glancing at Bendy, who was looking behind them to where (Y/n) ran off to, still sniffing softly. She turned back to the lost one, her gaze glimmering sorrowfully, "I'll tell you what exactly happened later. For now, we need a plan."

Bendy seemed to snap out of his thoughts when she said that. The two hurried inside, heading over to sit at the small dusty table. Kipper joined them at the table, sitting between the two.

"We need a plan, and we need one now. From the looks of it all, it seems like Alice is winning, and that's not good," Mika murmured under her breath, explaining their situation.
"Any ideas?"
Bendy turned his gaze to Kipper, to which the lost one shook their head. His expression contorted into one of deep thought, before he sighed softly, "We still need to rest up.."
He then stood up, "I'll keep watch, you two sleep."
Mika stood up as well, "What about you?"
"I can't sleep." Was all he muttered.

"Well then what? we still need to make an official plan, before we can't at all."
Bendy sighed, beginning to grow irritated, "Fine. Once you two rest up, go back to town and gather up a patrol of lost ones, then head to the angel's territory and get back Inkus. Once you've got Inkus, meet me in the music department."
Mika tilted her head in confusion,  "What about you?" She asked.
"Won't you come with?" Kipper added.
Bendy went silent for a moment. He turned towards the door, "No." He murmured.
Suddenly the dots connected in Mika's head, but before she could say something, Bendy added,
"I'm going after (Y/n)."

     𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐈𝐧𝐤 | Ink Bendy x Depressed! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now