NINE: Just like the rest of us

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[UNEDITED. From this point on, the story may be confusing!]

I woke up in cold sweat, yanking myself out of bed. The smell of food filled my nostrils. I didn't realize until now, that I was hungry. No, fuck that
I was starving.

I quickly got out of bed, hurting myself in the process. I let out a whimper, holding back some tears, "You should take it easy, Doll." Chills crept down my back. I looked at Bendy. He had a bowl in his hands, then sat it down on a small table he must've moved in here while I was out. He sat on the edge of my bed, which made me tense up. He looked at me dead in the eye, saying nothing.
The awkward silent was so overwhelming. I had to say something, just to break this silence.
"Uhmm sooo uh, what happened while I was passed out.."
"Well..I took you back into your room, and tried to hydrate you. But, you were erm.. asleep.."
More awkward silence.

I sat there, and sighed. Now that I think about it, I was starving, dehydrated, and sleep deprived. I haven't had water or food since I came to this studio, and my body can't go without its needs for even a week.
Bendy sighed softly, "I'll leave you alone now.." He stood up, and went out of the room and to the throne I'm assuming. Nightfall appeared from out of the bed, jumping up onto my lap. Now my mind whirled with thoughts. How long was I out? That is a question I am now asking myself. I picked up the soup from the table. The amazing and comforting smell of soup greeted my nostrils. I gobbled it down, enjoying every moment of it.

Once I was done, I was back with my thoughts. I decided to do yet another recap of what has happened so far in this studio.
It all started out with that note that Bendy must've sent in order to trick and kill my father, but instead, he got me. So much has happened while being here. I can't stand it, it's so-
"(Y/n)?" I heard Bendy's voice, which interrupted my thoughts. I turned to him, my eyes dull. He leaned against the wall, his claw tapping on his arm. I'm surprised that I didn't hear him come in, but then again he is indeed a demon.
"You ate good, yes?"
I nodded.
"Good." He then picked me up against my will. I was about to yank myself out of his arms, but then I remember what happened yesterday. He's definitely not dealing with any shit coming from me.
"Where are we going?" I couldn't help but ask. Surely he wouldn't get angry with me if I asked a simple question, right?
Bendy didn't reply.

He opened a portal, then entered it; bringing me along of course. As soon as we were at out in our destination, I knew something was really off.
"Mika?" The ink demon called, "You said you wanted me with the girl." I felt a lump in my throat. He was talking about me.
"You actually brought her?" My heart almost stopped. It was that person from the music department.. I started shaking. Bendy noticed this, but didn't care enough to do anything about it.

A corrupted toon cat appeared from out of the shadow and materialized in front of me within a second. I could see her much clearer. And oh boy, was it terrifying. She looked more human like. I could see the pain and insanity in her eyes as she gently stroked my chin, letting out a soft chuckle, "looks like we meet once again, Stein"
I quickly pushed her away, growling like a wild dog. Bendy growled back at me, which made my movements stiff. I felt my eyes sting from my tears. I tried to hold them back. I couldn't cry now, not when I'm in front of two people that can kill me at any second just because.
Mika frowned and turned to Bendy, "What did you do to her..?"
"I only put her in her place."
"She's scared of you!" She replied, glaring at him. She then did something I did not expect; she hugged me. My mind whirled with even more questions. What the hell is going on?

To be honest, I haven't really had a hug since well, mother's death..
I remember when Jake would always hug me, and cuddle me. That was the time when mother was really sick from her depression. His words now echoed throughout my head, "I won't ever let anyone hurt you.. I don't want to lose you, (N/n).."

A single tear fell from my eye. Mika pulled away, wiping my tears, "shhhhh, it's okay..." She said comfortably. I calmed down, but was still cautious. She was indeed that scary person from the music department.
"Oh! Also, I believe you dropped this" She handed me something. I looked to see that it was my phone. Huh, I almost forgot that I brought my phone with me, in case it would supposedly take long with the little 'meeting with Joey'. I was going to order pizza once I was done with this blasted studio, At the time I didn't know that I was going to be here until I die. I tried to turn it on, but as expected, it was dead.

Mika turned to Bendy, "We need to talk-" She grabbed his arm, dragging him into the other room. I watched them go, sighing. I really need to let go of some stress. My thoughts couldn't help but go to my brother. I wonder if he's doing okay..
An uneasy presence towered over me. I started to realize.. I don't like this silence..

Bendy glared at the corrupted toon cat, raising an eyebrow, "What did you want?"
Mika looked a little excited, "She's the one..!"
He scoffed, "Oh please, her? She's Henry's daughter for peets sake! How can she fix this broken studio; It's impossible for anyone to do, let alone Henry's fucking daughter."
Mika only laughed pyscoticly, "And how do you know if She's Henry's daughter, Bendy.."
The ink demon growled, then sighed irritably, "Whatever.. I'll let you believe what you want to believe."

The cartoon cat frowned, sighing, "Look, at least be kinder to her, she could change this studio-"
Bendy's fist punched the wall, making it crack. He glared at the corrupted cat with a demonic smile on his face,

"Mika! Nothing can ever save this studio. It's already been broken enough, and everyone is just going to keep on breaking it more. So I suggest giving up this stupid hopeful idea of yours, and face reality before you piss me off.."

Mika was quiet, mumbling to herself, "I'll prove you wrong, ink demon.. All we need to do is help her accept her destiny.. You two will save us all." Bendy scoffed, smirking, "You really are foolish, Mika. Just like the rest of us, especially (Y/n).."

His claw lightly tapped her neck. He would've killed her right then and there, but he was stopped by a bloodcurdling scream.

A/n; how do you like the story so far? I think it's turning out good so far! I have a lot of great plans for this book, and I hope you will enjoy them throughout reading this story!

And yes, I am adding a couple of ocs, because personally, I think it may make this a little more interesting!
Anyways, until next time; See you all in the other chapters!

     𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐈𝐧𝐤 | Ink Bendy x Depressed! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now