is she real or just made of air?

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TW: Anxiety Attack.

The surprises of the trip got more and more bizarre as the days passed. We arrived in Leipzig with the news that the place we would be staying had been attacked by a group of neo-nazis, the broken sconces and and the swastika spray-painted on the wall made it very obvious.

We needed to take our stuff to the club where we were playing as Abo was afraid the place would be attacked again. "But we won't sleep there?", Alex asked, he nodded, she crossed her arms and raised her eyebrows at the inconsistency.

The audience looked dead, Jørn spoke several times into the microphone trying to get the audience to respond, but nothing. The show had been good, I did my best, but maybe it wasn't enough.

Now we were in a bar with Abo and his friends, I didn't talk to anyone, I hadn't even exchanged more than 10 words with Abo in these 3 days together, so I probably wouldn't have anything to talk to either of them, meanwhile Alex was so excited to talk with them that her british accent ended up coming out too strong, I didn't even understand what she was saying.

Her red cheeks denounced her drunkenness, she smiled too much and talked too much, I couldn't help but admire her, her hair when it was messy looked good with her smile, I loved the way she looked at me. Alex brought her chair closer and hugged my arm, watching me.

"You look cute with makeup left on your face", I raised my eyebrows as she spoke. "You always look cute actually", I felt my cheeks burn a little.

Alex looked at me in a different way, I felt my heart beat and blood flow through my body. I didn't understand what she made me feel, it was something so strong that I felt alive, it was almost like I went back in time to a moment when I was unbearably happy.

I loved the way she made me feel.

Alex touched my face gently and pulled me into a kiss, her lips touching mine, sinking me into ecstasy. Her thumb caressed my cheek lovingly, I felt my head spin, I pulled her closer, her hand landed on my chest and I felt her smile. When we parted, I noticed everyone looking at us, they were smiling, Jørn looking proud. She laid her head on my chest, I felt peace invade me.

A song started to sound shy through the bar, a few notes of piano and guitar until the drums came into a fast drumming, then violins started in a slightly sad melody; a man began to sing in a language I didn't understand. Alex seemed to like the song.

"What song is this?", she asked.

Abo scratched his head trying to remember.

"It's a Hungarian song...I think", one of Abo's friends replied, I had never seen Alex's eyes shine so bright. "The band's name is Omega, it's the only thing I can pronounce".

She was looking at me with hopeful eyes, I don't know whay.

Alex pulled away from me, slid across the couch to the edge of the table and stood up, her big eyes stared at me again, they were so bright I felt nauseous and mesmerized, I couldn't look away but didn't understand what she wanted, her voice it was drowned out by the music when she spoke. Peace left my body.

She floated through the air as she walked through the crowd, her white dress stood out, my jacket looked better on her than me, everything looks better on her.

Igen, jött egy gyöngyhajú lány

(Yes, a girl came with pearly hair)

Alex moved so gracefully that I couldn't take my eyes off of her.

Álmodtam, vagy igaz talán?

(Is she real or just made of air?)

For an instant, I worried that Alex would disappear into thin air. She was too good for me to be real.

Így lett a fold, az ég

(Thus became the earth, the heavens)

I got up from the table without thinking, I just walked towards her, following her with my eyes, Øystein asked me where I was going, but I just ignored him.

Zöld meg kék, mint rég

(Green and blue as long ago)

I felt the air escape my lungs as I lost her among the people, looked around for her, but no sign of her.

Igen, jött egy gyöngyhajú lány

(Yes, a girl came with pearly hair)

The colors faded from my field of view, everything seemed as gray as her eyes, even though that dead color was the most vivid thing I'd ever seen.

Álmodtam, vagy igaz talán?

(Is she real or just made of air?)

Her hand took mine and pulled me, she walked fast and happy, I could barely keep up with her, the colors returned as I followed. When the song ended, she was breathing quickly and smiling so much it was contagious, I allowed myself to enjoy the moment and laugh with her.

When she kissed me, it didn't even feel real. The way my cracked lips were caressed by hers, I was taken to heaven only to be dragged to hell when she broke away from me. My head swam, I didn't understand what was going on, all I wanted was her warm hands holding my face.

Later that night, we shared an old mattress to sleep on. Abo looked like he was scared there was going to be another attack later in the night, and I couldn't even sleep a wink, who knows why, my head was still spinning and I looked like I was having some kind of abstinence or shit like that.

"Pelle", she called me in a whisper. "Pelle close your eyes", she asked, but I couldn't. I felt her worried eyes fall on me, she wanted to ask me something but she never did.

"Alex", I called to her. I didn't say anything else, I just pulled her hands to my face, she held me so tenderly that I felt like crying, I didn't feel like I deserved it, but it was all I wanted so I took it for myself.

I couldn't take those thoughts anymore, I couldn't take that chaos anymore, I couldn't take anything anymore. The only thing holding me back were her hands, her warm, loving hands, the only thing bearable.

I didn't understand what was happening to me so I just collapsed but Alex was there to hold me, she wiped the tears from my silent crying and held my face until I finally fell asleep.

A.N.: Hey guys! I would like you to read this here!

Sorry for taking so long to update the story. But I'm having a lot to do at work and college, and after two years of the pandemic, things are getting back to the way they were. I believe I'll be able to finish the story in a few chapters, then I'll take a little rest and review everything.

By the way, thanks to @MTeenCageRs for the hungarian to english translate! The only sentence that didn't translate properly was "Is she real or just made of air?" because it made sense in the story.

The name of the song is Gyöngyhajú lány - Omega, I recommend that you listen!

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