Chapter 1: Incident on the Scare Floor

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"Wake up!  We're here!"

My heavy eyes peeled open when Mike shook my shoulder.  I sleepily lifted my head from leaning on the bus window and sat up, scratching my eyes. 

My sleepy vision focused and I smiled, seeing the giant factory building just outside the bus.

The bus slowed and stopped by in front of the pavilion, my classmates went ecstatic, jumping in there seats.  The bus doors opened and every one bolted from their seats and out the bus. 
Of course though, everyone else moved out of they're seats before Mike could even move into the bus isle, even if he was patient with it.  Will there be a day when he isn't just invisible to everybody?

Me and Mike walked down the bus isle, when we got to the door it was already closed, I turned to the bus driver, who seemed laser point focused on a crossword.
"Um Mr Bus driver?  We're still here." 

The driver flinched and turned to the two of us.   "Oh sorry kiddos."  Mike hit the door to alert Mrs. Graves til the bus doors opened.

"Thanks Joe!  Good-luck finishing your crossword puzzle."

Mike carefully tries stepping down the bus steps before I lend my hand and help him down. 

"Sorry you two, I didn't see you guys."  Mrs. Graves apologizes.

"That's okay, I don't really mind." I replied.
Mike nodded as Mrs. Graves slid back to the crowd of students, and Mike and I walked from the bus.

"Hey Y/N guess what?  When I was on the bus I found a nickel!"  Mike showed me the coin he was holding.  My tail subtly wagged as I smiled.  "Wow Mikey!  That's free cash!"  I yipped.

"I wish I had pockets though." He shrugs.
I look down at myself, I didn't wear a shirt today. Hey, nobody did.
"Well uh, we both have hands! There are plenty of monsters who just don't for whatever terrible reason." I say. Mike rolls his one eye. "Good point."

Mike and I stop and look to Mrs. Graves, who starts making an announcement. "Okay everyone partner up! Get your field trip buddy." She says. Before Mike even tries to ask anybody else I take his hand.

"You can just be my partner if you want." I say with a light smile, noticing everyone else choosing partners. "Besides it's probably better than being paired with the teacher."

He grins and takes my hand as we walk up with the rest of the class. But now I finally realized how crazy big the place really is.
Monsters Inc, the main source of power in the monster world. Gee it's massive!
I noticed on the front building, a quote engraved on the top.

'We scare because we care'

"This is gonna be so cool! You think we'll see the scarers doing they're job?" Mike asked.
I thought about that. Us little kids, I mean, 11 years old isn't that young is it? But aren't human kids, really dangerous? I wonder how they do it?
"I hope so. You know, maybe I'll even see my dad here! He said he might be at work today!" I say.

"Your lucky to be related to a scarer Y/N, you'll probably end up be one someday." Mike comments. I lightly chuckle, scratching my neck. "Oh come on, how can you be so sure."

Mike smirked, "Hey I heard you roar before, and not only did it get me, but your mom too."

I cringed, Gee I remember that, boy was I embarrassed. But... why was I embarrassed, I mean my dad was watching and he was overjoyed.

Ralph Dragenhart, that's my dad. He's a bit of a local legend in my neighborhood, and had the scare record held with his name for a few years. But this might be the first time I'll see him at work.

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