Chapter 18

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(I'm skipping the 1 month time thingy and I don't know what's happening with the complete button. It keeps saying it's complete but it's not. It must be a glitch)

Y/n, Naruto, Shikamaru, garaa, and many others were standing in the middle of the stadium. Except Sasuke was still not there. "Nee I wonder Sasuke is" Naruto said as he moved his head to look around. "Probably slacking off" y/n said.

Shikamaru groans hearing the two. 'Both of them are just pain in the Butt' Shikamaru thought as he sighed. Then the hokage showed them the match up. First was Naruto and neji. Second we're Sasuke and garaa. Third was y/n and a some person. Fourth is kankuro and shino. The guys one is Shikamaru and Temari. "Isn't it uneven when there's a five matches like this?" Some dude asked.

"Hey. If Sasuke isn't here for his match then what happens?" Naruto asked. "If he doesn't arrive in time then he'll lose by forfeit" the overseer said. "Now first match. Naruto Uzumaki vs Neji Hyuga" the overseer said as they stood forward. "The rest of you go wait up there for ya match" the overseer said as people begin to walk away. "Make sure you win Naruto" y/n said as he walked away. "So I can beat your ass" y/n said with a smirk.

Naruto then showed his fist to y/n. Y/n then teleported to his seat. He had a recliner. "Does he seriously gets a recliner? While we stand up?" Kankuro said as he look at y/n with a frown. "I get a recliner because I'm better than you" y/n said with a smirk. Kankuro growls from hearing y/n's attitude. He tried punching y/n there infinity around y/n stopped him.

"Hahahahaha your face is priceless!" Y/n said as he got paper and started drawing it. Kankuro growls. After finish drawing Kankuro. Y/n gave Kankuro the drawing. Kankuro looked at it and thought I was good but until he realized what's his facial expression. He growls one more time as he went back to hang with his siblings.

Y/n went back to his recliner. And sat down. He then watched Naruto's match with neji.

Time skip

"What are you guys talking about?" Naruto asked as he stood next to Shikamaru. "Of course he will come. No doubt about it!!" Naruto said with a smile. Naruto and garaa then glared at each other. "There is no other choice. As the rules dictate Sasuke will be eliminated by forfeit" third hokage said. "Ugh. What the heck are we going to do?! Without him our plan is ruined. This is starting to look bad" Kankuro said as y/n was confused about what he's saying.

'Their acting sus. I will have to watch over them' y/n thought as the third hokage expands sasuke's time to fight. "Now let the third match begin! Y/n Gojo vs random person's name" third hokage said with a smile. Everyone started cheering about y/n.

Y/n then teleported to the center. Y/n started waving his hands to the people in the stands. Shikamaru groans. The ninja the came out of the door and walked to y/n. "Now let the match begin!" The overseer said as he lift his hand. He quickly teleported away. The ninja then started to throw kunai at y/n. Y/n dodges them easily. The ninja then did a water style jutsu. The ninja smirked. When the water goes away he then sees y/n standing there. Y/n then ran at the ninja with amazing speed.

Y/n then started hand to hand combat with the ninja. But y/n was beating him up easily. The guy was them immediately unconscious. The overseer then grabbed y/n's hand and lift it up. "Looks like we got a winner! Y/n Gojo!" The overseer as people cheer.

Y/n smiled as he teleported right back to his recliner. "Y/n you were so cool!" Naruto said with a big smile. "Tch tell me something I don't know" y/n said with a smirk.

Time skip

Garaa was holding his shoulder where the blood is coming out. "He is injured! His shell was breached before he can completely transform!" Temari said as y/n grabbed her shoulder. "Tell me what you guys are plan on doing. Ever since you got here I had a bad feeling about you guys. And the stuff you say is suspicious" y/n said as they started to sweat. Kankuro then grabbed Temari and jumped down to the ground. 'So they were hiding something' y/n thought. Then feathers were coming down. Y/n teleported away before they had affect on him.

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