Little Argument

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You started walking to catch up with Drix who would probably get lost sometime soon. Jones stood there. Struck. Then he blinked and ran after you. You got into the office and had seemed to have just walked in after he finished his speech.

"Congratulations! Excellent work in the nose today! Come on over here. Let's get some pictures." The mayor grabbed onto Drix and started pulling him away, shoving Jones in the process.

"I want the caption on this to read, Mayor and Pill stop cold..cold." Jones scurried up to the mayor to talk to him.

"Mr. Mayor, uh, Mr. Mayor, excuse me, sir, but we have a problem." Jones put his hands together and bent down a bit to see him eye to eye.

"What are you talking about, Jones?" He questioned, annoyed.

"I think whatever was in the sinuses is a lot more than a common cold."

"Sir, don't listen to Jones. His diagnostic skills are remedial at best!" Drix insulted.

"Excuse me?! Watch your mouth, you flavorless tic tac!" You barked.

"You're the little cherry aspirin who iced a key witness to a viral attack!"

"That was an accident!" Drix scoffed.

"Accident my ass!"

"Yeah, the kind of accident only a time relief dipstick like yourself would have!"

It was you and Jones VS Drix. You were so heated you didn't even notice you were squishing the Mayor.

"Oh I am so sick of you two! That's it! I can't work with you!" He turned away and crossed his arms.

"What did I do?! You're just mad I'm taking Jones' side!" You growled. You couldn't believe this guy.

You felt a push which just made you even madder. But it just turned out to be Leah.

"Officers, please, please! Jones, what is this— virus you're talking about?"

He turned around to face her and tell her about the situation. "The virus that torched the throat! The virus that caused those half-inch snot crests I was just surfin'!"

"Those snot crests were caused by the sneeze, which was caused by you!"

"Don't you blame Jones for that shit! He ain't do nothin'!"

"Exactly! Y/N and I saw some viral-lookin' mother fucker fleein' the scene of the crime! Tell me, what do you think now?!"

Drix looked stumped. "Got him."

"Sir, maybe we should put the city on full alert. You know, liquids, bed rest. You know, just to be safe."

"We will do no such thing." The mayor protested. "I'm not going to postpone our trip just because the white blood cell with the worst record in Frank thought he saw something."

"He did not just bring that up."

The mayor yanked Jones down to his level and whispered something to him.

"Fuck, I can't hear. He better not be threatening him."

Once the mayor shoved him away you put your hand on his back and started rubbing. The mayor mentioned replacing the both of you with other, more capable, officers. You leaned your head onto Jones' arm while he looked down, distraught.

"Uh, sir, uh... If it's all the same to you, I think I'll stay with Jones and Y/N."

You both looked up. "Even after I called him an unflavored tic tac?"

"Wow." Leah whispered to both of you.

"Suit yourself." He turned away in his chair. You took your hand off of Jones and cupped your hands together. Jones grabbed your hands and gave you a reassuring squeeze.

The three of you left together. It was silent again. Jones continued to hold your hand. He hadn't let go. He had no intention to until you got to the car. He hesitated before removing his hand from yours. You got in the car then he got in after you. You held onto the hand he was holding, missing his touch.

"Fuck, I like him." There was no lying to yourself now.

The car started and the only words Jones said was that we were headed to the liver to see someone he wanted to question.

Osmosis Jones x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now