Bellamy : Searching

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After walking for a few hours we had found Clarke's trail, broken twigs and the occasional foot print. She knows what she's doing. It would have been impossible to find her if we didn't have Sasha. We'd only exchanged a few words since leaving two days ago. The possible threat that Clarke might not even be alive right now shadowed our every thought.
"Hey, check this out" Sasha called from behind a tree. We ran over and found a few locks of blonde hair hanging out of a dent in the tree trunk. Someone had swung an axe at this tree. But how did the hair get here?
"You don't think..." Wells mumbled.
"No. There's no blood or anything here. Clarke wouldn't have gone down without a fight" I said, denying the possible truth.
"He's right. There's no smudges in the dirt-"Sasha stopped when she saw something a couple dozen metres ahead. I sprinted over to it and found an arrow with its tip covered in blood next to what looked like two knee marks. Farther up ahead I saw a body partially concealed by a bush. I let out a cry and ran over to it, only to discover it was an evil looking splinter grounder.
"Yu gonplei ste odon" Sasha whispered and pulled his eye lids down. He had a deep cut across his stomach and a small puncture in his chest.
"That explains one of the arrows and Clarke must've been hit by the other. It looks like she got away but not before killing this bastard" Wells said.
"I knew him" Sasha murmured and hugged Wells. Then we heard a twig snap, shattering the deadly silence. I whipped my head around and saw four dark figures running towards us. All were tall, dark and pissed off. I pulled out my knife and instinctively pushed Sasha behind Wells and I. She pushed me away and lunged at the enemy. Before I could blink she had one down and another's hand twisted behind his back. Wells and I took the other two. I mirrored the grounders movements and dodged his swing of his axe. I kicked his knees and punched him in the face. While he was down I turned and saw Wells on the floor with a girl on top of him, holding a knife to his throat. Just as blood starting to drip down his neck I kicked the girl in the head and she fell to the ground. Two men were dead and the girl was unconscious. Sasha had tied up the other guy and started questioning him.
"WHERE IS SHE?" she screamed in his face. He looked her in the eyes and spat on her feet. She grabbed his long hair, ripped his head back and held a knife to his throat. Sasha said something to the man in a different language and then he seemed to respond, probably realising she was a grounder as well.
"What will you do know...Clarke's...? Wells muttered. His neck was bleeding but not serious. I glanced up at him and then focused on Sasha's conversation with the grounder.
"She's alive. I know it. Because if she's dead, I am too" I exclaimed. Sasha had finished her conversation and walked over to us.
"He said he doesn't know where Clarke is. Apparently no one has talked about Clarke or the Sky people in his camp recently. He thinks that stray soldiers have hunted her, some kind of personnel vendetta" she said.
"That's bullshit. Why would he tell us the truth Sasha, he's the enemy" I yelled.
"Bellamy, I grew up with these people. I know them. Their community works just like ours, just a different goal. He's telling the truth" Sasha reassured. Just then, more grounders dropped to the ground. Did they fucken grow on trees? Before I could react Sasha and Wells were knocked out and tied up.
"Jus drein, jus daun"was whispered in my ear just before my head hurt and everything went black.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2015 ⏰

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