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It was finally Damien's Birthday. As I forced myself out of bed, sitting on the edge. The events of last night replayed.

~Flashback from last night~

His scent filled my nostrils causing an intoxicating scent from him while he stared at me with a hunger as though he wanted to devour me right there and then, he slowly removed his gaze from my lip to my eyes

"Never raise your hand at me" every word he spoke hit my lips as I  felt his hot breathe smashing against them

Not removing my eyes from his, I asked back confidently "Then give me answers"

He released my hands and slowly got  off the bed, dragging his hands down his face with a loud groan as he walked to door "Get out now before I do something I'll regret." I could of heard the plead within his words as he held the door opened

My head was all over the place but I manage to gather all my thoughts getting of his bed taking a deep breathe in walking  up to him

"If your going to play games, play with a next mouse."  I said about to walk out of the door but suddenly he slammed the door shut.

The loud noise of the door slamming startled me, "Damien?" I got no responds from him. I slowly backed up as he walked in my directions pinning  me against the opposite wall and  kissed me

The kiss was rough and filled with an unsatisfied hunger the bitter tastes cigarettes  imprinted on his tongue that I couldn't get enough of

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The kiss was rough and filled with an unsatisfied hunger the bitter tastes cigarettes  imprinted on his tongue that I couldn't get enough of. 

"Isn't  this what you wanted?" he whispered between hard breathes and his mouth devouring mine, my brain seemed to shut down. All I could  think about is the man in front of me sucking the words out my mouth  

Slowly moving  his lips to my neck trailing with soft kissed and small bites  the feeling of his soft lips send chills down my spine, causing a few moans to escape my mouth

Moving his lips back to mine and whispered "Principessa fammi sentire" (Princess let me hear you) 

"Più per favore" (more please) I begged without realizing that I did, a slight chuckled escape his mouth from what I just said which snapped me back into reality which made me pulled back, folding my lips " Sorry... this was a mistake" I said rushing out his room closing the door back

As soon as I was outside my breathing was hard it felt as though there was  an electric shocked all over my body, I walked to my room closing the door and locking it and resting my body against the door sighing

"What have I done.." I said sliding down against the door with my hands on my head

I got up  from by the door and laid down in my bed, today was so exhausting...

~End of Flashback~

I rushed off my bed, scanning my neck for any signs of hickeys or bites prints from my little encounter last night. There were slight bruises on my neck and collarbone  that make me got flustered 

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