Queens and Kings

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It been 3 months since Damien's Birthday party alot of things happen within those months

Damien and Lyianna start dating 1 month ago so he's never really home 

With me and Jay we started to date like 2 months ago and its been amazing 

With school I instandly became popular because of my looks and family ranks but that didn't change how I dealt with people

Damien was the king of the school any girl in the school he wanted he could of gotten but there were some girls he couldn't but he didn't care because he considered them ugly and waste of times some of  boys in the school admired him some were jealous of him and there were others who just couldn't stand him because he is cold, arrogant, prideful, selfish, aggressive and competitive with other and a womanizer 

Kaylin was popular she was the captain of the cheerleading team while Lyianna is the co-captain of the team and because of Kaylin jealousy she give Lyianna a real hard time I felt bad for her because she was nice to me by nice I mean she ignored my presents for example there was a time I was watching a movie in the living room she and Damien makeout right there without caring that I was there

But I had my far share of hard time...Besides that

I wanted to try out for the cheerleading squad But because of that female dog I was refused because I didn't have "Team Spirit"  thats just stupid 

And Ace-

Well I heard he and Kaylin are dating an they are the 2nd place couple after Damien and Lyianna 

  There are kings , queens  and princess of Ravenwood High School


"Adrienna hunny your friends and boyfriend are waiting" Brianna shouted from upstairs

"Yeah mom I'm coming" I shouted back I started calling her mom now since she treats me like her own daughter if she had one 

I walked downstairs I quickly  grab the toast out of the toaster and drink down my orange juice 

Jay looked at me with a small grin "You look lovely as always as a queen should be"

"I swear yall cringy asf but its cute" Chelsea said rolling her eyes

I laughted 

"What a beautiful for sore eyes" 

I know that voice to well I turn an saw  Damien walking up to me pulling down his vest

I know that voice to well I turn an saw  Damien walking up to me pulling down his vest

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I looked away from him Chelsea eyes were glued on his abs and tattoos 

I quickly turn my head

"My baby sister turn into a saint how unusual but I don't like the role you are pretending to play" I could hear the teasing and mocking in his voice

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