"Alright..." Serenah said softly uncertainly was she give me a wearily look, before I could say another word I heard someone yelling my name through the loud music that was playing as I turned my head around I saw Ace running up to me and Serenah
Serenah quickly came infront opf me and block him from getting close to me as if she was a human shield
I could see Ace's face since back block my eye sight but I could of tell he was annoyed by the tone of his voice as he talked to Serenah "Serenah move I need to talk to Adrienna."
" I don't care you son of a bitch." as she folded her arms with a snare
Ace's tone go more aggressive and demanding as he spoke back to her
"Get you nasty betraying backstabbing ass away from Adrienna" she said holding her grounds
"You need to learn to stay in your place and relax" Ace said coming closer to Serenah's face
This isn't looking too well I don't want to be a problem for no one I dig my grave I will lay in it
I walked infront of Serenah
"Hey I will deal with this.." I said with a soft smile
Serenah looked at Ace
"Adrienna you don't know this liar, he almost cost Damien his life" Serenah said aggressively
"I know what he did..But I didn't know that.." I said looking at Ace confused
"Adrienna if we go somewhere private and talk please.." Ace said pleading
"She not going no where with you what didn't you understand?" Serenah said laughing
"I now see why you and Damien get along, you and him could never forgive" Ace said with chuckle
"That's not the only reason we don't sleep with each others girlfriends or fuck them multiple times" Serenah said
"What-.." I said shocked
"Serenah honest and beautiful as always"
Damien said walked from behind Ace with a smile and an empty wine bottle
"Isn't it the devil in the flesh Damien Lyon" Ace said bitterly
"Since I promise my mother to keep her house in one piece lets deal with thid like adults shall we since we are. So Ace bring Kaylin to my room with yourself me, Adrienna and Serenah would be there" Damien said with a smirk
"Why must that bitch be there?" Ace said annoyed
"So I don't knock your teeth out" Damien said walking away
"Go find your dog Ace before a "Shelter" picks her up " Serenah said with a smile
Ace looked at Serenah with rage in his eyes before storming off
"That was tense.." I said
"You who put those marks there?" Serenah said looking at my neck closely
"Serenah I will explain when we go in Damien's Room okay" I said softly
"Okay let me send Yoo and Adeleiyah home okay?" Serenah said
"Yeah I'll wait" I said nervous
I saw Serenah walking over to Yoo and Adeleiyah they looked worried she kissed both of them and walked over where I am
"Hey Adrienna we are gonna now " Yoo said with a shy smile
"Yeah I know" I said with a smile
"Wait what about Chelsea and Akio?" Adeleiayh said

Short StoryAdrienna grew up in Italy for her entire life, after her mom died from cancer, she had 𝚗𝚘 other choice but to move to america with her dad, and so-to-be stepmother and stepbrother but things didn't go as she expected W𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚎𝚗𝚜 betwee...