Chapter 7

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Liam's P.O.V.

"Are you alright Lou why are you crying?"

"I fell and hit my head on the sidewalk," Louis exclaimed.

"How?" I asked.

"Harold thought it would be funny to push me!"Louis pouted.

"I'll get the peas," Niall groaned and headed towards the freezer.

God, you never know what those boys are gonna do in a matter of 15 minutes. 

I sighed and got up from my comfortable spot on the couch and told the boys goodnight it was a quarter till 10 and we had school tomorrow...great! 

Louis P.O.V.

"Louis wake up you turd!' Liam screamed into my ear.

"Boy, I sure do love how you greet a person in the morning Liam," I said sarcastically.

"Well I just wanted to tell you school is cancelled!" Liam said sweetly trying to fix my grumpy mood.

"You still could have let me sleep a little while longer," I groaned throwing the pillow over my head to  guard my eyes from the sun beaming into my hotel room window.

"Nope, I couldn't have because Niall of all people has cooked us breakfast so get your lazy bum up and come and eat." Liam said hopping off my bed and walking towards the door.

"Oh and Collins text me and asked if we wan't to come to her house today and hang out is that cool with you?" Liam said laughing at my morning grumpiness.

"Yesss!!! I wan't to meet her family and see her house let's go now," I said jumping on Liam's back while he was trying to text Collins back.

"Whoa, okay go eat your food mate," Liam said throwing me off of his back.

"Owwww, and okay," I said happily skipping into the kitchen to find a rather upset cook frowning at his food that lay in the frying pan.

"What is it lad?" I asked concerned with what he had done to our food.

"I burn't my masterpiece," he said frowning and walking away into the living room.

Awwwee poor Nialler...

"Well since our food is ruined we can get ready and go to Collins right now!" I announced to all five boys who were lounging in the living room.

"What will we eat," Harry asked with deep concern written all over his face.

"We'll eat at Collins house I'm sure she won't mind," I grinned patting my friend on the back and heading for the shower.

Liam's P.O.V.

"Hurry up mate, what is taking so long?" I questioned the Bradford boy who was still in the bathroom.

"We are all ready to go; what are you doing in there?" I asked tapping my foot on the ground impatiently.

"Fixing my quiff dude," Zayn said opening the bathroom door and walking out towards the door.

"I'm ready now, do you have the directions to her house?" Zayn asked now pretending to be the impatient one.

"Yes now we have 3 blocks to walk so lets go before it gets any later," I said pushing each of the boys out of the hotel room locking it behind me.

"How much longer mate?" Niall asked as we were only now a block from her house.

"Only 1 more block lad, you think you'll make it?" I asked him sarcastically.

"I don't know it's flaking cold out here!"Niall said shivering and chattering his teeth.

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