Chapter 3

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Collins P.O.V.

I woke up to my little sister jumping up and down on my bed screaming "ONE DIRECTION ARE COMING TO OUR SCHOOL TODAY I AM SO EXCITED;AREN'T YOU;THEY ARE SO CUTE!!!" Mara shouted without taking one breath of air. "I thought they weren't coming to the end of the week?" I questioned. "Well, turns out they got to leave earlier than expected and now they are gonna be here at our school TODAY!!!", she screamed running out of breath and jumped off my bed. "Now, get ready and dress cute cause two of them are in your grade so get to looking pretty and stuff", she said and then slammed my room door shut behind her. So I decided to take my sisters advice and look cute today.I decided to show 'the boys' (as I have read on the Internet girls call them) and show them how girls from the south dress, I chose to wear a pink plaid top with a tank top underneath, some black skinny jeans, and brown cowgirl boots with a cute top hat, I also painted my nails a pretty pink color. Then, I curled my hair into really cute curls and was ready to show the boys how we southern belles like to dress. (Her outfit is on the sidebar.)

Once I was dropped off at school my sister told me to "look cute and smile widely", but I just flaked her off and rolled my eyes... sure one of them was pretty handsome but all I wanna do is say hi and that's all... I'm not going to go and fall at their knees or something crazy like that.

"THEY ARE ABOUT TO BE HERE," Macy screamed into my ear.

"OH, MY GOSH... !" I screamed sarcastically like a crazy fangirl so she would get the hint I didn't care. "Oh haha i get it but don't be mean to them Collins or I will seriously injure you,"Macy said pointing her finger at me like she had some sort of authority over me. "Of course I'm not going to be mean to them, crazy chick," I said mumbling the last part of what I had spoke.

"THEY ARE HERE!"some girl named Kassidy shouted through the hallway.

That was when I believe the whole southern part of the United States shook because of the screams coming from Oak Peeks High School. All of a sudden our principal came over the school intercom and told us to be nice and treat the boys like they are one of us, "normal kids".

* Liam's P.O.V.*

"Ugghh come on LIAM JAMES PAYNE GET UP!", Niall said shaking me awake like a maniac.

"I'm up," I groaned and got out of my cozy pajamas to get ready for the first day of school.

"Gotta look fresh mate...might find a cute girl today you know,"Niall laughed and walked out of the room.

"Haha, I highly doubt that mate,"I yelled and heard Niall giggle in the kitchen. I knew he would be in there the boy is never full.

We arrived at the school around 7:15 and the first impression I got of the school was small, classy and jam-pack full of teenage girls... oh great and maybe some boy Directioners,who knows?

"Okay boys the principal Mr. Brooks, told all the students to not bombard you every second of the day asking questions and to be nice to you; stuff of that nature... you know? So just go on into the school and you boys should be fine. Also we will pick you guys up in the limo after school in-case you didn't already know," Paul said then waved goodbye and got into the limo.

"Alright boys let's go!"Niall screamed and ran towards the school.

When we got inside the school building I noticed it was very simple and dull. I think the other boys noticed it as well that's probably why they made a funny reaction when we stepped inside, cause they were all excited and racing each other to get to the door,but when they got got inside all their happy facial expression dropped to unreadable ones. We walked down the High School hallway which by the way was very quiet to find every single person staring at us from head to toe. To tell you the truth it was quite awkward. "Uhhhh... hello,"Harry said with a cheeky smile which made one of the girls in the hallway start to hyperventilate it seemed. Once she had had her little freak out moment everyone seemed to fall out of their trance and continue on with what they were doing before.

"Well that wasn't awkward at all,"Niall said sarcastically.

"We better all figure out what our first period is or we will be late on the first day of school,"Harry said trying to steal my shine as Daddy Direction.

"The bell doesn't ring for another ten minutes Harry,"Louis laughed.

"Just wanted to be prepared...sorry,"Harry said and then began to walk around the hallway.

"Maybe we should ask someone where these classes are," Niall suggested.

"That sounds good," I replied and we began looking around the hallway to see if we saw a group of people that looked friendly enough to show us around.

"Hey! There is some really good looking girls over there Liam lets go ask them if they can show us around," he said pointing to a really curly headed girl and her friend.

"Alright, be right back guys," I said as I walked away from Zayn,Harry,and Louis following Niall close behind.

"Hi, do you girls mind showing me and the rest of the boys around the school a bit?"Niall asked the two girls. But right when I was about to say something to them the girl with really dark long hair started to look like she was about to explode with joy.

"Of course don't be crazy we would love to," she said blushing a deep red.

"Great!"Niall exclaimed."Can you show us where Mr. Hayes class is then,"

"Sure, by the way my name is Macy and this is my best friend Collins,"the girl said and then turned completely around prancing off in the direction of Mr. Hayes classroom I'm guessing.

I saw her glancing over at Niall every once and a while as she was walking to the classroom, I got this strong vibe that she fancied him. I do have to admit Niall is attractive for a Irish-man. I realized her friend was very shy, and seemed very kept to herself so I decided to talk to her.

"Hi, I'm Liam is it Collins?"I asked making sure I had her name correct.

"Oh,hi yea I'm Collins I guess I seem very quiet but that is not true at all I am just very tired from studying all night,"she said blushing a little.

"It's okay I'm like that to, I think grades are very important," I said half smiling.

"Really? I would think that since being the pop-star you are and all you wouldn't really have to worry about grades," she said.

"Got to have a back up plan... right?"I laughed as we entered into Mr. Hayes's classroom.

"Well, it looks like we have the same class together you and your friends all do,"Collins said looking at my schedule.

"Awesome... mind if we all sit with you two today since your the only to people we kind of know now," I asked.

"Sure there are open seats all around us, just have a seat where you please,"she smiled at me and then took a seat at her desk. I took a seat right beside her and she smiled up at me and blushed.

"Liam? Daddy Direction where are you deary?" Harry exclaimed as he walked in the classroom.

"Right here Harry dear," I laughed as I motioned for him to come sit on the other side of me.

"Collin's this is Harry, Louis, and Zayn you have already met Niall so no need for a introduction," I said as I pointed to each of them individually.

"Nice to meet you my dear,"Louis said sounding like prince charming and what not.

"Nice to meet you to Louis," she said rolling her eyes and then winking at him.

Collins and her friend Macy were very nice and I could see us seven being really close friends. Especially Niall and Macy they seemed to fancy each other... well anyways,maybe this school year won't be to bad I believe we already have two new great friends.

Hey Guys! So please tell me how you like it so far(: Chapter 4 should be a bit longer than Chapter 3 can't wait! I will update soon(:



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