Chapter 37

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Collins P.O.V.

It has been two weeks since Prom and Liam has been in the recording studio a lot these last couple of days. I wen't to SYCO with him two times this week and I'm getting ready at this moment to go again. This week is our spring break and we are trying to live up our last spring break in hardcore mode, just like Liam says "You gotta live hardcore to be hardcore." 

Danielle came with Harry to the studio once this week as well, and I think Danielle and I are starting to actually be able to tolerate one another. I felt so accomplished getting Danielle to say "Hi," to me earlier in the week. 

Niall and Katherine are dating now, they act just like Liam and I they seem to be inseparable. Eleanor had to go back to England yesterday which made me sad, because she was the only other girl that would talk to me at the studio. 

"Hey honey, Liam is here to pick you up," my mother intruded on me pulling up my pants. 

"Let me put my shoes on and I be ready," I said and shooed her out of my room. 

Once I put my converses on I ran down the stairs to Liam's rescue from my sister. "Mara, Liam and I have to go, you can go stalk him on the computer," I smarted to Mara who's mouth formed the shape of an O and marched off to her room.

"That's the way you do it," I smiled and grabbed Liam's hand to leave my house.

"It's just me, you and the sound guy today at the studio," Liam began as we got into his car.

"What about the boys?" I questioned cocking my head like Macy use to.

"They have a day off today, because they stayed after yesterday and recorded a little more than I did," Liam confessed. "I was tired."

"Oh, alright then this should be fun!" I exclaimed and rested my head on Liam's shoulder as we drove to the studio the rest of the way.

"Collins wake up!" I heard Liam say loudly causing me to give him the "stink eye" once my head shot up. "Sorry, I tried shaking you but you wouldn't budge."

"Its okay, lets just get this recording done so we can hang out the rest of the day!" I exclaimed happily and exited the car, taking Liam's hand and walking hand in hand into the studio.

"Hello, Mr. Payne and Miss Taylor, shall we begin?" a really nerdy looking guy asked us as we walked in. 

"Let's do it!" Liam said excitedly and walked into the sound booth.

I stayed in the other room with the nerdy sound man. "Alright Liam go for it!" the man said to Liam in the sound booth. 

Liam began singing his part in the song 'One Way or Another':

 One way or another I'm gonna find ya

I'm gonna getcha getcha, gectha, getcha

One way or another I'm gonna win ya

I'll getcha, I'll getcha

"Alright Liam one more go at it," the man spoke to Liam once again after he was done with his part.

"One way or another I'm gonna find ya

I'm gonna getcha getcha, gectha,getcha

One way or another I'm gonna win ya

I'll getcha, I'll getcha," Liam sang once again and that time the man gave him a thumbs up for Liam to stop and come out of the booth.

"Hey, can your girlfriend sing?" the nerdy man asked just as we were about to leave.

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